I am currently receiving Xofigo treatment. I have read a lot about it. I have had a lot of discussions about the treatment with doctors. I have attempted to read medical papers about the effectiveness of the treatment. But one thing I have not managed to find out is this. Is there anyone here who has had Xofigo and can say that it helped lower the pain or cure the pain in their bones? Despite looking, I have, somewhat surprisingly, not managed to find any stories like this.
Xofigo treatment : I am currently... - Advanced Prostate...
Xofigo treatment

I don't know about anecdotes, but the trials in hundreds of men prove it decreases bone pain.
Many thanks for this. I'm one week into treatment and so far, no difference in pain.
With any kind of radiation, there is often an immediate inflammatory response. As the inflammation goes away, hopefully pain will abate too. Meanwhile NSAIDs or even cortisone may help.
Note, There are tons and tons of posts regarding Xofigo which you can find in our H.U. history file(s)..... Check them out - It's free....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I had Xofigo and and didn’t have any serious bone pain before or during treatment. It was just another SOC drug that was available to slow the growth of the cancer. After that it was chemo again because that’s all that is left for SOC.