Possible Trigger:
weight, obesity, drug including alcohol use, parents being incredibly boneheaded
So I sent my parents an email with the link to an article from ADDitide magazine about the connection between ADHD and obesity/overweight.
So I get an email back and my mother tells me that she and my dad know that I do not have ADHD nor have I ever manifested any ADHD symptoms or traits in my entire life especially my childhood 🤦
Has anyone ever seen a jello mold sitting on a plate?
Have you ever pinched the plate with your thumb and forefinger and yanked it really hard really fast and then stopped it?
The jello mold does this crazy jiggly wiggly dance.
So when people say things as far removed from reality as the things that my parents seem to need to say on a regular basis my brain does the Jello Mold Dance🤦🏻♀️😭😤😬🤦🏻♀️
After 59 years it's gotten quite old, rather!
I literally yelled at my phone looking at it holding it in my hand saying, "WHAT?!?! ARE YOU FOR REAL?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?! Were you even there for my childhood or replaced by pod people in the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers?!?!"
I mean people for crying out loud every single solitary last day of my childhood and adolescence my parents were angry with me and annoyed with me and frustrated with me and reprimanding me and being mean to me because of traits that I now know I have because of the ADHD.
My mother actually said in the email that I never had one single solitary problem in school -- not academically, not with the teachers, not with the other kids.
I would come home in tears and throw myself in her arms sobbing hysterically because of things the kids had said and done and the teachers had said and done to me.
Of course she ever so kindly told me that it was my own fault and informed me that I must have done something to make them be that way to me.
I don't think that she's lying but rather she really remembers things radically differently from how they actually were which is terrifying.
I'm the one who took all the drugs for decades and she's the one who seemingly has a blackout 🤦
I know that self diagnosis is valid but I really hope that this process that I have just started to get officially diagnosed lands me with an official diagnosis.
Cuz some people will not believe it unless it is an official diagnosis from somebody with letters after their name.
Thank you for letting me kvetch