Just to show up hands how many people take prescription medication, self-medicate with marijuana, or do you just deal with the shit. I'm just curious cuz I see a lot of posts and how do we deal with this or that or this or that just curious if ones that are having more difficult or medicated not medicated or self-medicate. Oh also I think there's a brain doctor that checks this page out look me up or message me. I don't think asking questions on a piece of paper or telling us to read something or answer something is a definite diagnosis of a disorder I think if somebody's going to diagnose me with a disorder they should be able to prove to me that that is what it is nowadays they can so anybody see a neurologist hit me up cuz I'm sick and tired of being labeled at my doctor I'm tired of people telling me here's another article read this one thing I do know I'm a tad bit dyslexic don't know that it's ADHD why I can't read a page I can read a page but comprehension on that page isn't as easy unless somebody's reading it to me I found that I can learn better if I can focus engage in the article to help me better understand cuz either and either just doesn't make sense so that just cuz I didn't learn how to make things make sense when I read them. Sorry new to navigating ADHD and actually having to exist then you have to pay attention to your attributes to make you who you are or maybe we just don't mind dating and something deep down inside like what the hell's going on I'm about ready to take my Legos home my kids is Legos they don't play with Legos anymore cuz everybody's got cell phones so I guess any parents want to go burn some Legos let's throw some Legos on a canvas and put a blow torch to it and see what it turns out send me a picture love to see it unless you don't let your kids play on the phone and they still play with Legos I need tips and how do you do it thank you
Show of hands who takes perscription ... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Show of hands who takes perscription meds?

I am medicated well on a non stimulant. I went undiagnosed until almost 40. It took 3 years to find a med that works for me. I have ptsd with marijuana because my parents grew when it was illegal and when they were almost found out, my dad’s panic traumatized me. There are lots of other traumas.
Wait to get your kid a phone. I got mine one at 8. Not having cell service and only having WiFi helps. Another thing is strict time boundaries. We play video games with our kids and openly praise game achievements. We do spend time as a family out of the house and some time e away from electronics. I set electronics up to be a reward for when they get chores and assignments done.
Do you mean prescription meds for ADHD?And ADHD only?
Or are you interested in who [in this ADHD forum] takes medication for anything/in general?
Your post is extremely difficult to understand.
Well if I were to assume this is a feed about add/adhd. Trying really hard to not be my emotions. But yeah it's a thread about add/adhd. Not sorry but I'd have to say meds for the thread I choose to attach my post to. So thanks for pointing out some more flaws and why I normally don't post things. I just assumed people would know that I posted on an adhd/add thread that they would know I meant that. But again I make an ass out of myself for assuming. Hope that answers your question. Hopefully I'll be more specific for you and not feel embarrassed.
Clearly this is a life lesson learned for me so thank you. Well thanks for pointing out my even more awkward side. Instead of being awkward about it just ask what blow torches and Legos have to do with it but in a nicer way. This is so awesome thanks. I obviously was having a not so great moment. But your welcome and thanks for keep it with being an awesome person for just keep it awkward
The only medication I take are two pills (since my mid 20's) for anxiety. Some people that have ADHD can also have a bit of either a Learning Disability or Dyslexia. I have all three. ADHD, Learning Disability, and Dyslexia. There are different versions of dyslexia. There is the one that has to do with your ability to read anything. There is the one that has to do with spelling. There is one that has to do with mathematics. I have the dyslexia (from what I've read about it) that causes me to have some issues with spelling and I really have difficulty with algebra. I can't do anything above basic algebra. I've tried and failed a bunch of times. I wish you luck with your ADHD and remember that you do have actual support with the members here.
I'd have to say I have all 3 dyslexia. I have a hard time reading I put words that aren't there, I switch words around when spelling them, then the not being able to comprehend what I'm reading unless it's read to me or explained. And math I can't do. And yes spelling for me is super bad. But I also gave up on school. I would ask to many questions so I get a limit on the in 8th grade it was very hard to handle so I turned 3 books in my social, math and science and slept for 2 years in them classes. So I say school I have a 6to7th grade education. Sadly now all I want to do is learn more but not having the ability with lack of meds is so hard just to keep going.
There have been times in my life (now and days more often then before) where I ask myself: How did I even graduate from high school. I can't even go basic algebra which (I think) is what you learn in 5th grade? Or, 6th grade? I can't remember. I wish that I was really good at math. Then maybe I could get a better paid job and/or better respect from others.
Is this the link you were looking for? healthunlocked.com/adult-ad...