depression meds are not working - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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depression meds are not working

Abigg4 profile image
18 Replies

dr has tried me on a non stimulate intuitive 2mg don’t see any difference maybe see more depressed not doing much staying in and mainly focusing on rest and reading . No motivation or burn out . Recently went through a break up and moved and then my last job turned out to be very toxic and there was some retaliation with my boss. I’m on a medical leave I’m talking to my doctor today and I need to let her know that right now I just need more of a mental break until we get the right medication. I do see a therapist, any thoughts

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18 Replies
BLC89 profile image

Hello Abigg4,

I am so sorry you are going through all that. That is a lot! If resting for a month and doing nothing sounds like heaven, then you truly need some deep rest and sleep. If a month of nothing sounds boring then you are probably well rested but need a new situation. It is kind of a gut check to see where to put you energy.

If you need rest then do that. It usually starts to feel better after 4 or 5 days of deep rest. If things are still seeming down/sad then an antidepressant or other intervention may be in order. I am glad you have the support of a therapist to help you navigate this time.

Give yourself credit for weathering all that you have - moving, bad boss, break up - each one is a huge change or disruption let alone all three together. You are stronger than you know. And you are clever too, because you are here looking for even more support and input - nicely done!

Know in advance that finding the right medication balance is a trial and error endeavor. It may take some time so as best you can don't despair. ADHD medications generally help 80% to 85% of people who try them. That is a huge percentage and very much in your favor. Odds are good you will find something that works, so hang in there.

I just wrote another response and recommended tracking the medications you try. It is good information and helps keep things clear in your mind. You know you best and the doctors may overlook something in their overbooked lives. Keep it simple and just track dose, side effects, dates, etc. It doesn't have to be a dissertation just enough info that you are well informed. It is difficult to keep track of all the information without writing it down, no matter how smart you are.

Give your mind a break and write it down so you don't have to even try to remember. Your brain can relax knowing it is written down.

May I suggest meditation if you don't do that already. Meditation and mindfulness have been show to have profound positive impacts on mental health in general, and ADHD and anxiety in particular. It is not a quick fix and takes a few weeks to see a difference but it can be hugely impactful. And you win even when your mind wanders.

Every time you bring your focus back to your focal point - breath, flame, sound, etc. - it is like your focus muscle is lifting weights and getting stronger. And when you can hold your focus you are endurance training those muscles. You can't lose!

There are ton of apps out there that can help you relax and meditate. And most have super short sessions like 1 to 5 minutes to get you strated.

As you are resting and recharging take good care of yourself by getting outside, eating well and as much as possible moving your body. Being in nature has also been shown to greatly improve your internal systems and lift your mood.

I hope some of that helps.


Full disclosure: I am an Adult & Parent ADHD coach and have been married to ADHD for nearly 30 years. I have raised two kids with ADHD (20 & 22) and am CCSP certified. Find out more at

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to BLC89

Excellent suggestions, of course!

Abigg4 , I'll add just a bit more.

Studies have shown that exercise can be as effective as antidepressant medication. Even just going for a 10 minute walk can make a noticeable difference. A 20-30 minute walk 2-3 times a week could be even more beneficial.

Getting out into nature can help with mood, too.

So can positive social time, so if you have any friends or family members that you enjoy spending time with who are available where you've moved to, then make sure to spend time with them.


I can relate to what you're going through. I went through similar circumstances in 2022 and was still dealing with the emotional aftermath in 2023.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to BLC89

thank you I just experienced something with my nurse practitioner. I can’t believe these people are allowed to take care of us. I had her fill out my FMLA papers. Someone in her office sent them back to the company and she said that they’ve been tampered with which I never touched them. Obviously, the office sent them, and that she was dismissing me from her practice.

BLC89 profile image

Oh that's no good! I'm sorry that happened.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to BLC89

Pretty sure that’s considered patient abandonment she left me hanging with med that aren’t workin and I shared I was feeling depressed

BLC89 profile image

As best you can, take care of you. Tell yourself that you will deal with the injustice of that situation after you have taken care of your other needs. It is easy to get caught up in the unjust actions, especially against ourselves, and lose sight of the main objective - getting you as healthy as possible.

So allow yourself to be angry and frustrated and then comfort that part of you with kind words and reassurance that you will take care of that situation as soon as you can. It isn't being abandoned just paused.

Use your energy efficiently to help yourself and save it for impactful endeavors.

As best you can don't allow someone else to decide what you are focused on. You get to decide, you get to take care of you.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to BLC89

I don’t know what I’m gonna do as far as medicine management because she told me this to stop it and she was gonna send me some new Providers in the mail. I’m gonna try to call around tomorrow and I left my PCP a message I took this mental break so I can go back to work. Able to do the job I was doing so maybe I should look for something else but it’s really upsetting now that I didn’t get my disability. Short term. I won’t have any income.

BLC89 profile image

I'm so sorry, that is a tough one. Is it an option to contest the decision regarding disability? Fingers crossed the PCP can assist in some way.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to BLC89

it’s just mentally exhausting me I just want to get back to the way I was feeling before they put me on these medicines I just think it’s awful that a provider would do that to someone over some paperwork

Mamamichl profile image

have you thought about getting a genesight test? It’s like a paternity test in that it takes genetics from a cheek swab. Then they mix it with all mental health meds that are available. They show you how much adverse effects your specific genetics are with each medication. I had an anxiety med not do anything and realized it had moderate adverse reaction to my genetics.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to Mamamichl

That was my plan until yesterday when she dismissed me from her office

Mamamichl profile image
Mamamichl in reply to Abigg4

If you still have insurance, get the gene sight test still. That way you will be a step closer to doing well in a future job.ive lost many jobs over my conditions. Also, if possible, right after you get hired, ask for ADA papers and fill them out right away. My boss had to be a lot more kind since those got approved.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to Mamamichl

Thank you , would you do anything about this current nurse practitioner what she did because she’s basically cost me my short-term disability because I don’t go back to work for another week

Mamamichl profile image
Mamamichl in reply to Abigg4

I would contact HR with your concern, but unless you have proof that you were deserving of it and were planning on taking the leave (email or texts for example), then it’s hard to prove that she’s retaliating.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to Mamamichl

yes, we have a team that handles leave. I was talking about the doctor. The nurse practitioner mean that dismissed me because she thought I forwarded some paperwork which I did not her office person she thought fax it didn’t fax it. It came from someone if that makes sense

Mamamichl profile image
Mamamichl in reply to Abigg4

Oh. Sorry I was confused. Is there a way you can contact the office and request to talk to a different nurse practitioner for a second opinion? Or perhaps you can write a note to the doctors office to explain the situation and be proactive in asking for a genesight test. I do better taking in yet than face to face. It’s possible the nurse practitioner was having a bad day.

Abigg4 profile image
Abigg4 in reply to Mamamichl

I don’t think anybody in the office will see me now because she said I cannot be a patient there and I don’t know the status and all that I did talk to the practice manager and she’s going to get back with me on Monday, I don’t like the fact that I was falsely accused of changing documentation and dismissed from the practice When clearly I wasn’t the one that sent the paperwork. I have a fax copy confirmation that it was sent from her office.

Mamamichl profile image
Mamamichl in reply to Abigg4

Oh goodness! When does she think you changed it? And can the document be seen for writing differences?

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