Trying out L-dopa supplement - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Trying out L-dopa supplement

STEM_Dad profile image
15 Replies

While much of my ADHD symptoms are improved by my medication (atomoxetine), I know that I still struggle.

I've been listening to the Huberman Lab podcast for a couple of years now, and Dr. Huberman talks about various supplements. Some of the supplements that he has talked about are supposed to help with the body's dopamine production.

• One is l-tyrosine, an amino acid found abundantly in meat & poultry, as well as found in many other foods. L-tyrosine is converted in the body into l-dopa, and then converted into dopamine (which is converted into epinephrine and norepinephrine, as needed).

• There are much less food sources of l-dopa. However, there is one food source in particular that is very high in bioavailable l-dopa: mucuna pruriens (aka "velvet bean"). The bean itself only grows in certain parts of the globe, and not available for sale in any stores near me, but the supplements are available. (I got one at Walmart.)


{Note: In addition to motivation issues, one other reason that I've decided to try a new supplement is that I had been dealing with mild, persistent depression last year. (It actually lasted from about September 2022 until August 2023.) I was on a low dose of an SSRI for about 4 months to help me through it. Then, it started creeping back in late December 2023.}

So, I decided to start Mucuna Pruriens supplements around the end of February. I've been on it over a month now (besides 3 days off when I was sick). I now have no more feelings of depression, and I seem to have slightly more drive when I finally get working. (It makes me sleepy about 3 hours after taking it, so I have to take it at night, before going to bed.)

• I've felt better overall since a few days after I started on mucuna pruriens. No feeling of depression.

• I just got over a bout of the stomach flu, and wasn't taking supplements for those few days. I started feeling depressed again...just starting to creep back in. (Maybe it was the illness, or how much it affected my sleep. But, maybe it was because I was becoming deficient in L-dopa.)


I'm no fool. I know that if I was truly deficient in L-dopa, I'd have a disorder which affects my movement, like Parkinson's disease. I don't have any issues like that.

But by adding a little bit via supplementation, my mood feels better. I'm sure that's why Wellbutrin (which is a dopamine and norepinephrine agonist) is an antidepressant.

Still, I don't think I'm getting enough to help me with the motivation that dopamine is supposed to help with.

So, since I'm on vacation from work this week (because it's my kids' Spring I really needed a break from work for my own sake), I'm going to increase my mucuna pruriens supplement for a few days and see how I feel.

I'll report back here about my experience.

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STEM_Dad profile image
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15 Replies
Doomann profile image

One of my therapist ask me to listen to a Huberman podcast and even tho I gave him the benefit of the doubt I listen to a total of 3 of his podcast in my opinion he has a very rare personality type ENTJ Hes is a very physically, mentally strong male he is everthing I dislike in a male figure, girl's worship this man this is what daddy was telling to be in the 80s .

I've been both bullied by my Father and students and to learn the hard way how to stand up to these alpha males this also why only see female Doctors if I run into one these types it triggers me so bad I don't trust anything Huberman is selling. But I like your story none the less and it sounds like you are copping well with your ADHD and will be a great father to your children.

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Doomann

Huberman does come across as a highly confident uber-male.

However, from time to time he has shared bits and pieces about his youth. It sounds like he didn't have a great childhood (which he doesn't go into much detail on), was a troubled teen, and was taken in by some good people. Later on, he managed to be mentored by some professors who each had a profound impact on him.

I think that the way that he treats his guests is very telling about his personality. He is respectful, defers to them on topics that they are experts in, and seasons his presentations and conversations with just a little concern or humor, used only as appropriate.

I prefer how Huberman treats his guests, compared to how any of the late night talk show hosts treat their guests. (Then again, my own bullies as a youth were mostly the prankster type. I don't like people making fun at my expense.)

Doomann profile image
Doomann in reply to STEM_Dad

Well hello again STEM_DadI disagree where again I only have listened to a few of this Neuroscientist podcasts he is very polite to his guests but still forces his narrative on them nonetheless you be lucky to find out much about this guy he did not exist untill a few years ago and I like to learn about people especially when my con artist senses go off he became a millionaire overnight and his podcasts came out of nowhere.

Most recently I listened to another one of these types on a Niel Degrass Tyson podcast (David Sinclair) and started geting sold on what he was selling went to his channel only to discover he had not posted anything for a while then started digging and wouldn't you know another super smart snake oil salesman that was already a millionaire yea nope nope but im in no way perfect and I do suffer from short man syndrome as well as being poor im just saying these guy dont sound right and you will find more about Huberman's Dog than any of his personal life.

Prairiefrontporch profile image
Prairiefrontporch in reply to STEM_Dad

What would be the benefit of taking l-dopa rather than l-tyrosine? I take an l-tyrosine supplement and it works really well, but I’m curious about what your saying , sounds interesting

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Prairiefrontporch

I took l-tyrosine supplements for over a month, and didn't notice any difference.

So, I thought I'd try mucuna pruriens, as a natural source of l-dopa. (I heard about it on the Huberman Lab podcast.)

Mamamichl profile image

thanks for sharing stemdad! I don’t have depression issues, but my anxiety if

S crazy! Do you think it would help with that too?

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Mamamichl

I don't know. I've only noticed my depression seems to be helped by it.

I continue to have mild anxiety, but that's been my "normal" state for most of my life.

Prairiefrontporch profile image

would you mind sharing the supplement name? I’d love to try and see if I can find it in Amazon

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Prairiefrontporch

Swanson Full Spectrum Mucuna Pruriens, 400mg

I bought it from Walmart. I can't remember if I found it in store or if I had to order it for home delivery. But that's what I'm taking.

Prairiefrontporch profile image
Prairiefrontporch in reply to STEM_Dad

Thank you

Jozlynn profile image

Hi STEM_Dad!

I would love to know what brand you're using. One thing I struggle with regarding supplements is purchasing reputable brands that are genuinely effective versus commercial crap where they're only trying to sell you something.

I'm genuinely happy to hear that it's helping with your depression! I'm on Pristiq for my depression, but I still fall into it from time to time and would love to add a supplement that helps rather than have them up my dose or give my another med on top of it.

Thank you for all you do here in this community!

STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to Jozlynn

Swanson Full Spectrum Mucuna Pruriens(see my reply to prariefrontporch for details)

I think that Swanson makes good supplements. (I'm sure this is not the same Swanson the makes broth, but I think they make quality products, too.)

Jozlynn profile image
Jozlynn in reply to STEM_Dad

Thank you!

STEM_Dad profile image

Well, so far my experiment doesn't seem to be panning out.

Taking one capsule of mucuna pruriens daily seemed to be beneficial.

Taking two per day doesn't seem to be any more beneficial. It might be slightly detrimental, because I've been having some sleep issues every night since I started the experiment. (One night, I was awake for 4 hours in the middle of the night. On other nights, I had difficulty getting myself to go to bed on time, because I was hyperfocusing on something in the evening.

Oh well. It was worth trying, but sometimes more isn't better.

Maybe the lower dose is all that I need of l-dopa, and instead I ought to focus more on things that cause the brain to release

dopamine, like exercise.


STEM_Dad profile image
STEM_Dad in reply to STEM_Dad

I went back to one capsule of mucuna pruriens, instead of two, and I slept better last night.

Well, it was a worthy experiment. It just didn't pan out as I'd hoped.

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