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My daughter "diagnosis" and prescribed Vyvanse

tiltondsara profile image
6 Replies

This is in reference to my daughter not myself. About a year ago now I was told my daughter had ADHD as the teachers noticed her jumping up and down and fidgiting and couldn't sit still in class/or test taking. She is currently in foster care and Let me also remind you, she not only lost me she lost her father to a death the same year. SO huge blows/changes in this little girls life. she is 9. The foster parents are putting me through court recommending she goes on this medication called Vyvanse. I am doing my research but I'm not feeling comfortable about this. I of course want what's best for her education. But i do not think she needs to be on it.

The opinion was done on a 45 min evaluation, and the Dr's notes are vague. And the boy who's living in the foster home with my daughter is currently on the same med's.

But i visit with her every week, she is not fidgity, she sits still. I'm so perplexed as to what to do. because as the mother my rights were not taken I have to provide my decisions on whether she should take this med or not.

Please help give me any information or advice.

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6 Replies
BlessedLady profile image

How are her grades ? Does she get into trouble frequently? Will the state allow you to have a parent- teacher conference with her teachers ? If they will I strongly recommend having a parent-teacher conference with her teacher. Also talk with the school counselor. Is she having any issues with her foster family and/or caseworker ? Does she have a CASA (Court Appointment Special Advocate) appointed to her ? Sometimes they know more about how a child is feeling. How much experience does this doctor have with ADHD in children? Was the death of her father and separation from you also addressed ? Unfortunately, doctors the state pays for are rarely quality doctors.

I commented you for being cautious about starting your daughter on medication. I am sorry for the loss of your husband and temporary loss of your daughter.

tiltondsara profile image
tiltondsara in reply to BlessedLady

Thank you so much for your reply! I'm currently waiting on progress reports/ written reports apparently they said the teachers are writing on this information and her distraction in class. I met with my daughter last week for our visit and she told me she is getting a few bad grades here and there. But because she gets distracted, stops and starts thinking about me and daddy because she misses us so. She doesn't get into trouble she's a very well mannered little girl. Just the loss of her father and then her mother going away for 1 1/2 years really impacted her. She's currently in grief counseling also. I am asking for a parent teacher conference, that's one recommendation I'm putting in. She has a CASA but this lady is pushing the med's too. I also found out the boy that lives in the house is on the same medication. I want more information on her "actions" I just had court last wednesday before we went into the holiday. Right now the Case manager/CASA/ And foster parents were court ordered by my lawyer for them to get a 5339 updated. The one the doctor has is not detailed nor reasoning for her to be on the meds. The state is saying they need this information. So I'm battling waiting on a 3rd opinion right now. And I'm awaiting more details.

Blue_186281_red profile image

Check out CHAAD ADHD lectures at CDC train. ADHD does not necessarily cause hyperactivity. There are various symptoms that may be expressed with varying intensity. I personally refused Vyvanse cuz it's not generic. For me this is a principle stand on not supporting our corrupt IP/drug system but depending on your insurance you may have much cheaper options.

Addiction is highly coorelated with ADHD and while supposedly stimulants are not a problem, I call BS. I am an alcoholic and my 1st misused drug was my Rx that I used to stay up all night playing video games. I don't mean to assume anything but your situation sounds like addiction may be involved which is a genetic disorder. I would weight this very heavily while making decision for 9 y/o that has not tried behavioral treatment.

A psych diagnosis is only a disease if it causes distress or function deficit. ADHD treatments are not prophylactic or long lasting. Intermittent treatment at the time of major changes is most useful. You need to discuss treatment goals and when you can expect to stop meds. For me, reading concentration & math were problems. Drugs helped with reading and ADHD tutoring helped with math. Now days YouTube has engaging videos on all topics that i think would have been more effective than my expensive therapy. 9 seems a bit early to worry about these things but we don't know her symptoms. You're not going to help with her middle school success by giving drugs in 3rd grade. If drugs are about behavior control that does not involve safety concerns I would consier it abuse akin to "chemical constraint" (google it) but i doubt that has much legal standing. If you lack autonomy for legal reasons and don't want drugs i would find primary research supporting your reasons and go to judge well armed.

The CHAAD lectures have email contacts for those involved as well as references which may be a good place to start. References may be inaccessable unless you go to the local university library and ask for assistance accessing medical journals.

Or, maybe drugs will help. Ask you daughter what her problems are. Other poster has great advice.

75ADHDgal profile image

JUmpong up and down does not mean she has ADHD- she needs to bne formally diagnosed by a Neuropsychologist. medications do not cure nor totally mange ADHD- and you have to know what type she had - I have primarily inattentive and get distracted easliy, interrup folks because feel they are not getting to the point fast enough have time management issues and keeping my environment tidy and organized

I agree that all that's happened the last year are huge for both of you. Sorry for your loss and all of the heartache you've both been thru.

Vyvanse is a common stimulant that used for ADHD Rx (I've taken it). It's one form of amphetamines. There are several forms of amphetamines, but they don't all work for me. (I don't understand the chemistry behind their differences, so I can't explain it). It sounds strange to give someone a stimulant when they're hyper, but for a lot of us, it works.

But there's some questions I have to ask.

1) Was your daughter this energetic before here Dad died?

2) Have you been with her when she takes her Rx? Do you see a noticeable change and what are the changes in her behavior that you notice. How long does this change take to kick in? Is her personality the same? Is she still the daughter you've known, just more relaxed?

3) If she has ADHD, she's had it her whole life. But it could be that all she's been thru has amplified her ADHD. So within the last year or so, her ADHD has become more obvious? Also, I know she's only 9, but has puberty started? (Puberty throwing everything out of whack).

4) What makes you think she doesn't need it?

5) ADHD is genetic, but in my family, I've seen it skip a generation.

6) How are you?

I'm not disagreeing with what Blue_186281_red said, because we all have different body chemistry. But I can't take the Rx I use, Adderall, to stay up all nite-it doesn't effect me that way. If I get to that point, I get extremely jittery-and it's not pleasant. There is a lot of addiction related to ADHD, but a lot of it is has to do with people before they are diagnosed with ADHD. Before their diagnosis, some people will take whatever works to get their mind from running 100 mph. And you can't stop your mind from doing this just by will power. (again Blue_186281_red, I'm not disagreeing with what you've experienced).

tiltondsara profile image

1- Very Energetic, loving and bubbly

2 I have not been with her, she's in foster care and right now the court ordered issue is i have not consented to this medication they want to put her on.

3 & 4- I don't want my kid medicated if she don't need it, however if she needs help with her education i want nothing BUT the best for her. I just feel she's been through so much trauma the last few years this is the signs of the up and down, and eractic behaviors of not sitting still. OR maybe she does have adhd. I'm merely getting advice. Never said i didn't think she needs it. I want her home with me to experience how she goes through this new change if it i gets approved by me. But unfortunately i'm working on a case plan to get her home and reunited with me. That's the other kicker! I see some signs of not sitting still, but again here and i are visiting for the first time in 2 years and that's just her excited about sitting and seeing mom. I want to really see how she acts in school but i don't know if they will let me observe her without her knowing i'm there.

the foster parents haven't mentioned anything about home life, they just keep saying schools an issue especially when she's taking tests but one of the foster moms is a dean at the school she's at. so i feel a little conflict of interest there. but that's neither here nor there.

5 & 6- So I know I don't have it, I might be a little anal about being cleaned and organized but who isn't as a mom. It doesn't run in my family. But it did in my husbands family and in him. Now my husband her father, i believe he did have it. but he also did a 10 year fed bid in NY that pschyloglically changed him and he was institutionalized so much from the traumatic experience. And I know he has it because his kid was diagnosed with adhd and add. and was on meds when he was younger for it.

Thank you so much for your feedback!

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