I relate to alot of the "symptoms" of the DSM-5 list for ADHD.
I can check off atleast 6x in the "Inattention part" and 7x in "Hyperactivity and Impulsivity"
I guess this does not necessarily mean I have ADHD, but I feel like maybe there is a slight chance I have it, and maybe it could explain some of my struggles and shortcomings 🤔
I figuered I would write a short summary of "me" below, just to see if someone relates and maybe to get some advice on what to do;
Growing up I did struggle alot with schoolwork and academics. For the first years I did great, up until the point where grades started to actually matter. Around the age of 14-15 my grades went from almost straight A's to rockbottom.
Somehow i still managed to get myself into a university, to pursue a career in IT. Unfortunately I found most of the subjects boring as hell, and could not manage to be focused one bit. After 2 years of mostly playing videogames in my dorm, smooking weed with friends and not doing my schoolwork, I dropped out.
Fast forward to today, I work with people who are intellectually disabled, and have ever since I dropped out of university. Colleagues at work joke about how I have adhd, because they see me as a stressed guy, always on the move. I am a restless guy, fidget with things or feel uncomfortable sitting still. I burst into conversations and interrupt people alot. I also used to do this when I was younger, especially in class at school.
I use my calender excessively to plan my days ahead because my memory is horrible. My wife tells me I have "early onset dementia". I hope she is wrong😆
My mind wanders easily, I can start doing one thing, but in the middle of the task I suddenly realise Im doing something different than what I was supposed to be doing.
This is only a small part of "me", but I cant think of more and writing this post is getting kinda tiring. So Il just repeat myself here at the end; I think I might have ADHD. What (if anything) should I do?