Can anxiety make ADHD worse? Im new here.
ADHD/Anxiety: Can anxiety make ADHD... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

I think anxiety comes with the territory as a symptom in itself rather than a cause of an environmental affect stirring up anxiety.
So I’m going to assume that if you’re anxious over an environmental stressor it could be something in which your adhd symptoms may become harder to cope with rather than your developing anxiety.
I don’t know you or your situation so your best bet is to talk to a professional about something like this.
Think about cause and affect for the most part. You have to be able to compare and contrast your own symptoms with adhd, your environmental stimulus, and your response to it.
Adhd has a symptom of having difficulties in regulating emotions, so it could be so, it could be environmental, but ultimately, only you can be responsible for your behaviors that occur. Therefore, see a doctor about medication or therapy. Don’t leave it untreated regardless. They may be able to help you navigate through that anxiety regardless of if it’s from your adhd or environment.
It is very common people with ADHD can also have depression which also leads to much anxiety. There are different levels of anxiety. People like myself who were anxious before the Co-vid19 and isolation hit the world are even more anxious and mentally paralyzed by this crisis. Those who are experiencing anxiety from this crisis will recover and life will go back to normal for them. It's the difference between living with asthma and seasonal allergies. Those who are experiencing from isolation have seasonal allergies, and than those of us who are traumatized by the germ spreading have a more serious condition.
Yes. Stress / anxiety exacerbates ADHD symptoms making it even more difficult to focus. Are you comfortable sharing? What is causing you to have anxiety?
In my experience they fight each other
My anxiety was a symptom of my ADHD, PTSD and slight Aspergers. I had one to one therapy for many years and the therapists missed my ADHD. As my wife explained it, they are not trained to look for it. She has worked with all sorts of disabilities for years, knew me 2 weeks said ,”you have ADHD” . She was correct.
Yes, I have some depression also, I was diagnosed officially at age 63 and I am approaching 70.