Stimulant absorption problem - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Stimulant absorption problem

Noyesmaybe14 profile image
3 Replies

I have been treated for adhd with Ritalin or focalin and take it daily as prescribed, yet wen they do screens to look for it they can’t see it. Sounds crazy I know! I have hd it come up right after I took it ( maybe an hour or two later) but only a couple times. I can’t be the only person with such a story? I have also been diagnosed with a rare gene mutation that effects my absorption rate greatly. I’ve researched all over and can’t find info on this happening, so can anyone out there help me get answers?

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Noyesmaybe14 profile image
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3 Replies
mandyholly profile image

Hi sorry to hear that like me you’re not getting the answers you want from any professionals and doing your own research . I don’t know anything about a gene mutation personally but I know from experience myself I metabolise Adhd medications very quickly. For me Ritalin wasn’t the best as soon as I took it, it uncomfortably spiked just causing anxiety then disappeared within an hour no matter what the dose was as it’s instant release though I didn’t have any tests, none available here. I have heard you can have tests in America (if that’s where you are?) to tell which Adhd drug will suit best . I found concerta which you probably know is an extended release form of methylphenidate much more effective and although 72 mg is the FDA max ( I’m in England) dose in special circumstances you can take 108 mg daily which does sound like a massive amount but that worked great for me, depending on my mood I could split Med ( I had 6x18 mg tablets a day) and take 3 in a morning and 3 in the afternoon, just 4 or all 6 in the morning if I was feeling down as I’m prone to depression and antidepressants just don’t work for me, I’ve tried them all over the years . I can’t comment on focalin as I’ve never tried it. I’ve heard of lots of people who are dubbed ‘super metabolisers ‘ (unfortunately some psychiatrists just think we are drug seeking if we say we are only getting 4 hours from our stimulants, my Adhd specialist said I was his only patient who didn’t get 14 hours from vyvanse yet I read of others having the same problem) If I took 36 mg of concerta it would make me sleepy! Unfortunately concerta stopped working for me after a few months for a reason no one can explain and it only worked if I took it with 30 mg caffeine tablets which is a slight stimulant which my Psyc couldn’t explain either?? I’m now doing well on 70 mg vyvanse or Elvanse as it’s known in the UK with 80 mg strattera (atomoxetatine) although this is unpredictable, supposed to work 14 hours, think it depends a lot on how much sleep I get but I have insomnia so that’s difficult but on vyvanse alone I always just got 4.5 hours now I’m on strattera as well I always get 7 hours sometimes 12 hours! I avoid the so called vyvanse crash by taking amino acids at around 5pm .... there’s a great post on here better than I can write about supplements for adhd . I’ve only been diagnosed for just over a year after been wrongly diagnosed bipolar for over 15 years so I’m sure you’ll get a more knowledgeable answer . America is way ahead of the UK with knowledge and drug choices although after reading posts here and on quora I feel very fortunate to live in Scotland and not to have to pay for my medication but it would be nice to see a psychiatrist and not have to have done loads of research and ask for what drug combinations I want to try and someone actually suggest something to me so I empathise with your frustrations of never ending research ! It’s still trail and error for me, I hope you find the answers and treatment you deserve. I actually asked for concerta ‘off label’ for bipolar depression and noticed I could focus and concentrate which led to an adhd diagnosis by accident at the age of 53 ! Seems looking back I’ve been Adhd since a kid, it actually explains a lot but I just didn’t know much about it and thought wrongly adults had ‘grown out of it’ I know some people with adhd often have anxiety and depression as well but since taking stimulants I’ve been fortunate not to have the old months long bouts of depression so probably lacked dopamine all the years I was given SSRIS SNRIS and mood stabilisers which I’m trying not to be angry about, all those years lost to depression but I think I went through a kind of grief period for time lost with my kids and relationships ruined. Trying to just be positive and grateful I’m on the right track now !

All the best for the future

Marygr66 profile image

My daughter and I have the same problem and it took me 20 years to get someone to test us for it. we were tested by a pharmaceutical company. There are some markers that are genetically different and don't process some medication like others and most add drugs fit in this category analog with a lot of antidepressants. That is all we were tested for but I know there are other things that are different as well. Your not the only one and your not crazy. I know I was so frustrated and still am actually. This is something that a lot of people just don't grasp that well. I hope that helps you a bit

Doballe profile image

Can’t the doctor who diagnosed you with the gene mutation provide documentation to your prescribing physician about your absorption problem? If your question is your RX is not showing up in your required urine drug test and your doctor won’t prescribe it again because of it; providing the necessary documentation from the doctor who diagnosed the problem seems to be the easiest solution.

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