The wonderful thing about going to doctors is that they can always find something wrong with you, and if you go to a specialist, you can find even more problems that require expensive therapy.
After a two-hour eye exam today, the optometrist told me that I have a convergence insufficiency and need vision therapy. She wants me to come back for another appointment before giving me details on the costs, but I wanted to see if anyone here has any experience with convergence insufficiency - I had never even heard the term until recently.
I probably have convergence insufficiency in addition to ADHD, but I am not sure how many thousands of dollars it is worth burning to try and fix my vision problems.
Is It ADHD or a Vision Problem? If your child is fidgety, hyperactive, or distressed by his schoolwork, an ADHD diagnosis might seem like a no-brainer. But these behaviors may actually be due to vision problems instead. Learn how to tell the difference — and how to get an accurate diagnosis.