Can you take adderall and strattara at the same time?
Can you take both medications - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Can you take both medications
I wouldn't like to say because I'm not qualified to answer that but I don't mind offering my thoughts if that helps.
Aderall is a stimulant but Strattera is not so they probably wouldn't interact with each other. Because they work in different ways, I'm not sure if the effects of each one would kind of counteract the other. I suppose if a medical professional tells you it's safe to take both, it would make sense to take aderall in the morning because it starts working relatively quickly and you don't want to take stimulants too late in the day in case they keep you awake at night. Perhaps the Strattera could give better coverage over the course of the day without waking you up too much if you took it in the afternoon?
But I just want to reiterate that I'm not a medical professional and these are just my ponderings, not advice. Anyone changing their meds should always check with a doctor first x