On only 20 mg Vyvanse in morning I was feeling GREAT all day, but then started to feel depressed at night. ("Vyvanse Crash" I later learned.) Doc suggested taking another 20 mg in afternoon which worked...for a little while anyway. But I had to take every day. Then the nighttime depression came back and got way worse. I became terribly suicidal one night but thankfully a friend talked me into calling my doc and I was hospitalized for 3 days to detox off Vyvanse in a safe environment. Horrible. Scary to think kids take this med. Anyone with a history of depression should stay away from this drug!! Or anyone really, that stuff is bad news. And shame on me for not doing my homework before taking it, and on the docs for not giving me all the facts about Vyvanse Crash.
Beware Vyvanse Crash!! No one told me... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Beware Vyvanse Crash!! No one told me about the effects that can happen when Vyvanse wears off in evenings!!

In order to avoid stimulant medication crash, I recommend the supplement N-Acetyl Tyrosine. Most stimulant medications like Vyvanse, work with the neurotransmitters Dopamine and Norepinephrine. When your stimulant medication wears off, those two neurotransmitters are lowe than usual from being used for the duration of the medication. Thankfully N-Acetlyl Tyrosine helps the brain rebalance with those same two neurotransmitters, thus eleminating the crash. I have been taking it an hour or 30min before my medication wears off, and it has been a great help. I take mutiple supplements with my stimulant medication as well in order to help my medication work to its optimal capacity and to protect the body and help eliminate negative side effects. If you're ever interested, click on my pic to get to my profile, and in the bio you will see a link to a google doc I made of all the supplements I take, how they help people with ADHD, and what stores sell them (amazon usually has the cheapest). Hope this helps
Thanks for responding but I got off the stuff in the hospital.
Good to hear you're ok. Well if you ever plan to take stimulant medication, I highly recommend N-Acetyl Tyrosine to eleminate the crash. I've been using it for over 3 years with great success
Tyrosine (in any form) also helps clear “morning fog” more quickly, in response both to medication and to morning activity.
While it won't prevent receptor down-regulation (different side effects that start before and last some hours after simulants wear off), precursor repletion certainly does help keep deficiencies from hampering efficacy or worsening withdrawal.
Sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience with Vyvanse! I had a similar experience on Concerta, but Vyvanse works great for me. Concerta brought on many unwanted physical side effects (heart palpitations, extreme dry mouth making me feel constantly thirsty with no way to quench it) as well as some pretty awful psychological effects (worst anxiety of my life, depression, suicidal thoughts). Vyvanse had a couple of the physical side effects for the first week or so, but they subsided. I am now able to focus in class (I'm a nursing student) and actually function in my busy daily life, which is absolutely life-changing. I totally get where you're coming from not feeling that a medication with such bad side effects should not be reccomended to others, but it really does depend on each individual person. My mom and brother both took Concerta without experiencing any of the negative effects that I did. Hopefully you've found something that works for you!