Vyvanse + Talking too much: Any of you... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Vyvanse + Talking too much

cjnolet profile image
56 Replies

Any of you guys have this issue?

I've had to apologize to coworkers recently. What's strange is that before Vyvanse, I wasn't necessarily the most introverted person, but I definitely had my social anxiety issues where I was never quite sure how to cut off conversations so I often cut them off prematurely.

Now, it seems like I talk and talk and don't really seem to notice when I've gone too far.

You guys have this issue on Vyvanse?

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cjnolet profile image
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56 Replies
Lovinit profile image

I believe stimulate medication affects your mood and you could be feeling better and more confident and so your more social. Too much talking, maybe you feel you’re going a million miles per hour or many overly excited maybe your dose isn’t the right dose. You should tell your doctor so he can adjust it. I think medication can sometimes be trial and error but eventually the hope is finding the right balance. To feel “normal “ as close as possible

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Lovinit

I couldn't help but laugh- I had an appointment with my psychiatrist on Tuesday. I mentioned the talking too much. He says "Some might say you talk too much, I say you're just ADHD and you're on the right dose", lol.

I will say, I took 40mg and it didn't seem to be enough. 60mg seems to put me in a good head. I think my problem is that i'm naturally pretty extraverted but my social awkwardness from years of not getting the proper help caused me to become very self-deprecating and I'd go through periods of introversion.

I've apologized to a couple people. On Tuesday, I talked my mom's ear off on the phone for almost 3 hours before work. Yesterday I was talking to a coworker for 1.5 hours about random stuff. I always apologize... I guess maybe I shouldn't apologize since the reality is that they didn't end the conversation. I might mention I also work with a bunch of complete introverts who aren't always the easiest to read; especially in social situations where they feel uncomfortable.

I agree with the confidence bit. I think that natural cloud of shit that hangs in my brain constantly has largely been silenced and that allows me to chat more freely and listen better (though I will say it's usually my mouth moving).

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to cjnolet

I’m a talker too. My doctor had increased my dose too. For the longest time I was on 30mg but would end up taking a second dose because it just worked for me. But I would only be on my medication two weeks one two weeks off and that was no good. I thought I was being bad doubling my dose and at the time didn’t have a doctor who understood adhd and could feel comfortable talking to. When I finally did get a doctor, psychiatrist who I think is really good. I told him and he said some everyone is different and some people need more some need less. He said being on 60mg is fine and he prescribed me 30mg short acting to take 2 in the morning. Knowing now that being on 60mg a day is acceptable I felt better about myself. It’s been more than 3 months since I began and I feel so much better, “normal “. Recently though I finally started working again, career change, and I take my pills at 6am. By 12 or 3 depending I’m beat. Not motivated to doing anything else for the day, can’t and I’ll be asleep by 7:30 or 9 depending. What do you think? Wanted to ask my doctor if taking Xr would be better and or XR in the am and short acting lower dose in the afternoon. I understand it’s natural to feel exhausted and or checked out and done after a days work but sometimes I feel like when I get off work I should accomplish something that needs to get done

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Lovinit

It's only been this week that I've been back on the Vyvanse again after that whole snafu that I went through with the Topamax (e.g. the paranoia and strange mood shifts). I've been taking mine between 7:30 and 8am and I kind of feel like it's been slowly wearing off throughout the evening as well.

I know they give 70mg and I believe sometimes even 80mg. I'm definitely not an expert in medications (this is my first try at them since I was a teenager and was wrongly diagnosed as bipolar).

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

70mg is the highest dose of Vyvanse. Be careful because I blindly took too much Vyvanse at the advice of my “dr” and now it doesn’t work for me a all when I take it alone. However, I was on 70mg in the morning then 30mg in the afternoon.....looking back it made no sense AT ALL. What are you currently taking? 60mg per day? Is that all or is there anything else?

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

Wow. I don't know much about the stuff but 70mg + 30mg does seem like a lot. That stuff seems dangerous. That does stink that it doesn't work anymore. Have you tried Mydayis or Adderall? Do amphetamines in general not work anymore?

I mentioned to my doctor that I felt a little high and asked him if that was normal. He raised his eyebrow and I responded with "Well I guess not high per se, but I definitely feel euphoria when it kicks in". He mentioned it might just be because I'm not used to being at normal dopamine levels. Honestly- whenever I took MDMA as a teenager, I remember being able to focus really well. In fact, I've never been able to tear through a series of calculus problems like I did on that stuff.

To be honest- I really had my share of bad drugs as a teenager, on top of those crappy bipolar drugs. Perhaps that's why by the time I got to college I shook all that out and was ready to change my life up a bit. I smoked pot only for a brief time when I was 14 but quickly found the anxiety and panic attacks I got on that stuff made me never want to touch it again.

So instead I did what any extremely hyperactive teen with a need for stimulation would do, I started raving and got into other harder drugs. Then I got bored with that and just stopped one day.

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

I’m a former meth addict and I found meth before anyone ever considered I might have ADHD. I took the meds my dr prescribed and I didn’t question him. Now I question every move these pill dispensing psychiatrists make. Being a former addict and knowing that euphoric feeling you’re talking about and how similar it felt to speedy ecstasy, and also having the issues I’ve had with Vyvanse being great one day then 4.5 years later not being able to feel it at all, my whole world falling apart and not realizing how susceptible I was to becoming an addict again, relapsing, trial and error on soooooo many different ADHD meds, going to rehab in 2014, and now I’ve finally been able to rebuild my career to a level that exceeded my previous performance.......I have some advice on what I would do differently regarding vyvanse if you’re interested in hearing it?

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to Halem1982

Also, I’m on 70mg of Vyvanse with 300mg of nuvigil at the moment. I also take clonazapam as needed for anxiety, but that’s only when I feel like I can’t take a deep enough breath. What dose of Vyvanse are you on and do you take anything else with it?

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

BTW, I'm on 60mg of Vyvanse and that's the only thing I'm taking. If it weren't for the fact that I get so worn out throughout the workday and get really irritable with my family at home, I would just be doing mindfulness training and taking no medications.

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

What part of the country are you in?

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

I’m in the part with Baltimore and Annapolis. How about u?

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

Houston, TX

I used to skype with an ADHD psychologist in Maryland named Kathleen Nadeau. She focuses more on females because the symptoms in children and effects on adults is different with each gender in a lot of ways.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

That's actually pretty awesome that you were able to skype with a psychologist. Did you find it effective not being in person?

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to make the most out of the experience. She is one of the co authors of Girls & Women with ADHD. She is great but I wasn’t in the place to receive the information she was giving me. However, I think face to face is always better for me just because I have somewhat of an audio processing disorder that greatly diminishes when I am able to attach body language, scents, ambiance of the room we’d be in together, clear facial expressions etc to my conversations.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

You know. I feel like conversations with people get very hard because either I'm stuck in the million thoughts I have going though my head and need to talk to others about them, or something they say or do spins my mind in a direction that causes me to completely lose track of what they said. It's unfortunate because sometimes it'll only take less than a second for me to miss a few words I try to be polite so I just let them talk. And then they'll get to a point where they are like "know what I mean?" and I just kind of nod.. i have no clue what they just said.

Speaking of differences between male and female ADHD, I was one of those kids in elementary/middle/and high school who couldn't sit still to save my life. I had a compulsion to be the center of attention. By high school I was pretty out of control. In fact, I had teachers who loved me, but I would stand up their class and say the shittiest things out of compulsion. I remember my computer science teacher throughout high school. I really did love her as a teacher and I knew I was one of her favorite students. She was a little absent minded and I took advantage of that. I'd stand up in class and yell expletives. It's weird, I almost did it just to see what I could get away with, but at the time it felt compulsive, like once I thought about doing it, I had to do it... otherwise it would bother the shit out of me. I wasn't a bad kid.... but man... that stuff wasn't right, lol.

Anyways, that teacher did believe in me.. even though she had to send me to the office from time to time just to straighten me up. She talked me into entering into the science fair my junior year and I got first place in the county!

It always seemed like boys were the only ones that did that. I don't remember girls in school ever having that problem. A coworker with a daughter my age mentioned her daughter did that, and couldn't sit still, and was hyperactive. I couldn't even imagine that, tbh.

Johnooo profile image
Johnooo in reply to Halem1982

How’s vysanse going any problems I take dex in afternoon getting really tied if afternoon at work , but was great , now last 4 days feels like my chest is going to explode like aniexty but worst I’ve had it , it’s like all the sudden It’s gone from everything great focused motivated social happy to depressed tied sleeping a lot , not sure what I have done wrong but can’t get in contact doctor as he’s not calling me back in last 3 days, Take floxetrine with it as well

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to Halem1982

Certainly interested in hearing and that's a pretty inspiring story for what it's worth. Hitting a low like that and then being able to pick back up and surpass your previous achievements. I know people who were never able to rebuild after experiences like that.

I was never addicted to the drugs, honestly. I was addicted to being accepted by others. Still kind of am... but I've grown a lot.

I also think I might have some strange talent for ignoring my body in times when withdrawls would normally cause people to come back to something. Maybe I just have a screw loose, lol. When I was 25 and had my first child, I was able to stop a 12 year smoking habit one night... just one night. I didn't think about it after that. While my wife still talks about cravings 9 years later, it's one of the few things that never crosses my mind.

And you know I think a lot of this stuff starts young in kids who are diagnosed. From 3rd grade I was given Ritalin and told "this pill will make you normal". I'm 34, so that was what... 25 years ago? Kids were effing nasty... "Hey Corey, you're acting stupid, did you take your pills?"

Now tell me what in the hell a kid is to learn from that experience? That drugs are great and make you normal? That you were just born effed up and need a drug to make you okay so you can be like everyone else?

Halem1982 profile image
Halem1982 in reply to cjnolet

I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 26 after I went to the dr to try to help me get sober. I’ve done pretty much every drug on the street except GHB and all the weird new stuff kids are doing, but I never was addicted to them until the day I tried meth. Once I was prescribed Vyvanse I never looked back until it stopped working 4.5 years later and my world fell apart.

My advise regarding Vyvanse based on my experience is that if it feels euphoric when it kicks in, it might be too high of a dose. I had the same feeling at first. The hair on my arms would stand up and I’d be in a great mood ready to conquer the day. I had no idea it could ever stop working and when that happened, it was one of the most difficult things I’d ever experienced. I wish I would have taken a lower dose in the beginning, like maybe a 50mg instead of a 70mg. Also, I wish I would have had provigil or nuvigil with a lower dose of Vyvanse (maybe even a 40mg Vyvanse would have worked in combination with provigil or nuvigil) but I don’t even think that was used to treat ADHD at that time. If I take Vyvanse by itself now, I feel nothing. If I take provigil or nuvigil alone, I feel nothing. Taking them together definitely helps in a better way than Vyvanse ever did on it’s own but I’m not sure why.

Johnooo profile image
Johnooo in reply to Halem1982

How’s vysanse going any problems I take dex in afternoon getting really tied if afternoon at work , but was great , now last 4 days feels like my chest is going to explode like aniexty but worst I’ve had it , it’s like all the sudden It’s gone from everything great focused motivated social happy to depressed tied sleeping a lot , not sure what I have done wrong but can’t get in contact doctor as he’s not calling me back in last 3 days, Take floxetrine with it as well , only been on this for couple months but same thing swap meds every two 3 months lately it’s like I build a tolerance or some thing

Lizz2020 profile image
Lizz2020 in reply to Halem1982

I was in a similar situation with adderall. I was on it for a year and it made me so confident and social like never before, along with helping my ADD tremendously. I got addicted to it though. Now that I don’t take it. I always feel depressed and very very unmotivated,. I’m scared to try stimulants again, Vyvanse does not work as well on me it makes me feel sad when it starts wearing off and only lasts a few hours.. Adderall was the only thing that made me feel like a normal person!! It makes no sense to me!!

Jessica1221234 profile image
Jessica1221234 in reply to Lovinit

I realize it’s been 4 years since you made this post LOL but maybe I can help someone else.. I take my first dose at 645 am typically and I take the other after lunch.. around 12 pm.. I find it wears off too and I do not have issues sleeping. It works for me! Try it out and if it disrupts your sleep than don’t.. but it’s been working great for me :) the talking too much.. well we did that before didn’t we 😂naturally we are happier now because our lives are in order.. so we talk even more!! Vyvanse doesn’t take away other symptoms of ADHD.. I’ve notice it helps with focus and motivation. We will never get rid of it. It has drastically improved my life in every area.. BUT I still talk a stupid amount.. it’s who we are 🤷🏻‍♀️ We have a lot to say!!

SkbOH profile image

I had major problems with Vyvance. At first it worked fairly well-it was a more subtle feeling than when I took Adderall XR-but I didn’t mind that. Also, for the first two months it worked for about 12 to 14 hours each day. It did take some time before it started working, but I dealt with it,

However, starting around the third month it started to take longer to work and fading out earlier, like around 9 to 10 hours total. I also started having the actual effectiveness fade, sort of like a car driving past you and the sound fading as it continues down a road. It finally stopped working completely around month 5 of treatment.

Since this was around 2010 or so, Adderall was in short supply thanks to some DEA activity, so my doc had me try Concerta. It was the first time I had ever tried a methylphenidate med, and it was a disaster. I became extremely depressed (one of a bunch of co-morbid stuff I am ever so blessed with) and physically I had migraines and stomach problems. After 3 weeks my doc stopped that treatment and put me back on Adderall.

However, the previous dose didn’t work as well, so we settled on a mixture of the XR & IR versions, which I was on up until this past January.

Sorry for the very long answer; but I wanted to tell my whole Vyvance story.

When I find a new doc I am going to see about trying Mydayis, which is very much like Adderall XR but has 3 beads instead of two, and is supposed to work for an average of 16 hours.

One thing is for certain: I desperately need to be back on the Adderall; it is apparently the lynchpin that makes my other psych meds work as well as they do!

Scott B

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to SkbOH

Dexadrine brings back some bad memories for me, similar to your time on Methylphenadate. I believe it was 6th grade when they tried me out on that.

I spent the ENTIRE day at the health room crying. You might be wondering, what the hell is a 6th grader crying over?

I had a guinea pig die in my hands 2 years prior. No kidding... A guinea pig. My guinea pig... I didn't take very good care of that thing. I heard it hacking one second like it was coughing up a hairball, then I picked it up and tragedy happened.

For some reason that dexadrine brought back some sad ruminations of that poor guinea pig.

Looking back, that's a pretty silly story. But it really showed me how scary some of these stimulants can be.

SkbOH profile image
SkbOH in reply to cjnolet

Any animal being in pain or distress will bring me to tears in a second, no matter what your age or the creature.

10 days after my Dad died (at home, via hospice and after battling an autoimmune disease for 15 years), I had to put my 21 year old cat down. The one good thing is that vets will come to your house so you don’t have to drag the pet in to some strange place. The bad thing is, of course, losing what in my case was my best friend. I held her while the end was about to come and she placed a paw on my cheek as I was sobbing. She licked my hand and was gone. It was so fast! I had to wrap her in her favorite blanket and put in this mangy old toy that she loved, and I then buried her in my backyard.

I cried harder over her than my Dad, but he had a complete personality change about two years before he died. Went from an extremely kind father to a nazi overnight, which can often happen. So I grieved for him two years prior to his actual death.

I still sob over my pets. They rarely ask for much and give so much back. I greatly fear when my current pet dies. I suspect that I will need some round the clock care, especially if my mom, who is 84 now, is no longer living.

When you have no other living beings in your life, these things can make a difference in your survival, such as it is.

Sorry to blab about me again. I just wanted to make a comment about your pain and I turn into something about me.

No wonder I no longer have any friends!

Scott B

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to SkbOH

U know what's strange? My dad died 3 years ago and I barely cried. I loved the shit out of my dad but I feel like my brain is trying to look out for me and stop the emotion from flowing.

Am I a bad person because I havn't been able to show up to his grave site since the funeral? My family sure seems to think so. They remind me every time I talk to them how they've been there "each and every week".

Meanwhile, I had to put all my dad's belongings in my storage room in the basement. I know I have to go through it someday, but I can't do it yet... it's too hard.

It's crazy how I get this bad wrap for being a narcissist and I think people are very wrong. I have too much empathy, too much emotion. My experiences in life have caused me the need to put the emotions away. Maybe it's because I'm a male? Maybe it's ADHD? I don't know...

toobusy7 profile image
toobusy7 in reply to SkbOH

So your saying that of all youve tried, that you prefer adderall? I'm asking casue I'm thinking of switching from vyvanse to adderall because of cost for one.

HadEnuf profile image

I've had more problems with that when unmedicated: it's somehow easier to find ways to walk away from a conversation going astray with that little bit of help.

Apetit profile image

Been off vyvanse since January and best choice I made. Dealt with adhd whole life but medicated for three years at first it was great and at the end I became depressed and suicidly. Check my self in and made choice to quit vyvanse as it stopped me from eating anything or wanting to cook, I had insomnia bad and barely got 4 hours a night and now I’m eating better and enjoy life. That medication was the worst for me personally I was obsessed with adhd issues and now I am loving and living life better

meerskat profile image

The medicine helps me talk. Before I had word retrieval problems and had performance anxiety.

I try to limit my excessive talk to my partner only. I talk his ear off about politics via connection to litterateur via connection to climate change via connection to art. Whatever, it’s all pretty exciting, interesting and awesome to me, you get the picture 😉 All the connections in my head from one topic to another 100 miles an hour, can turn my mouth into a word faucet at times. He listens and keeps doing exactly the task in front of him. He’s very methodical, grounded and patient. He gets a lot done but lacks imagination in my opinion. He’s super good at living a boring life, I think. He has no need for wonders and sleeps well during the night. Sometimes I really envy him - in a good way.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to

LOL! So it's 2:16am here and to be quite honest, my wife went to bed unhappy with me tonight- pointing out that of course I'm always the one talking and she can't get a word out edgewise so she won't bother.

Oops.... I've been on this forum because I'm still pretty wired. I think maybe I should stop with the word faucet to my wife. It sounds like it's becoming a bother, lol.

in reply to cjnolet

LoL, I think it can be hard to live with us at times, we really need to give our other halves some credit. But I think you know where I’m coming from. I’m sometimes surprised at how laid back my man can be, but then again he knows exactly what is going on. He has his shortcomings too, but they are different. None of us are perfect after all.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to

Man. We had a talk today. I’m definitely working on trying to allow her to talk more. It’s crazy I literally don’t realize it’s happening. I’ll mention somethjng I’ve been deep in thought about and then she will talk about something and I’ll zone out spinning back into deep thought. Sometimes I’ll accidentally cut her off because I zoned out so hard that I completely forgot she was even talking.

I used to have this poem as a teenager that I called lost in thought. I didn’t realize at the time that getting lost in your thoughts was a symptom of ADHD.

“As I gaze upon upon the open field of dreams. Numbing the pain through complex euphoria. I’m ironically misplaced; disowned of body. Lost inside a simple illusion.”

It’s become apparent that my being “lost inside a simple illusion” has been going on for quite a long time.

in reply to cjnolet

I get lost in that illusion quite often. I’m not on medication yet, so I have no idea how it will affect me. Im hoping for good results. Today, I knocked over a glass and broke it when I was hauling stuff from my car to the kitchen table. Then a bit later I moved my MacBook that was hooked to an extension cord that also had a cord to a lit potpourri with scented wax melting on top. The potpourri flew off the coffe table and the top few in the air and now there is wax all over my table and carpet. Arrrggghhhhh! Just another day being me. Sometimes I feel paralyzed and prefer to do nothing rather than something like that. I just know it’s gonna happen! 😬

in reply to

I hope you and your wife will work it out. I’m lucky to have someone so patient. I really am.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to

Oh gosh. I hope that wax comes out of the carpet, that's awful. My oldest son & I have the same lack of gracefulness when it coms to our short term memory. In fact, he's been very clumsy since he was old enough to walk.

A couple weeks ago, he fell off his bike and got a concussion. The crazy thing is, he wasn't even moving on the bike at the time. I wasn't there to see it, unfortunately, but neighbors mentioned he just kind of lost his balance and fell. I'll never know for sure, but the first thing that popped into my mind was likely that he got "lost inside a simple illusion" and forgot what he was doing, causing him to lose balance. Poor kid.

I'm very lucky for my wife. I know she's willing to put up with my quirks. I think what bugs me the most is seeing her cry because she feels distanced. It also doesn't create a very good atmosphere for the kids when we're not able to work together on things- like how to handle them. I'm also in school & work all day and she's a stay at home mom, so that adds to my natural distance from the household. The whole reason I started going through this therapy/diagnosis process to begin with was to be more present with my family.

in reply to cjnolet

LoL, I like the lack of gracefulness term, that is exactly what It is. The only time I lost that greatfulness was when I danced. I used to do that a lot, of course I moved more than I could probably, I’ve been driven to distraction my whole life, I was always on the go, like I was propelled by a motor. I thought that was like everyone was like. Of course I’ve had gazillion minor accident but then I broke my ankle and my tib/fib and I simply can’t move that much anymore. That incident also coincided with my move to a very rural area and I think it was the firtst time my ADHD became apparent, in a sense where I had to face myself and realize what the heck was wrong with me. I really thought everyone was like this, even though I had this feeling all along that something was wrong but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar and was constantly getting off my meds because they didn’t work. I told my doctors this, but they just said “we know that the meds work, but we don’t know why, or how, they just work”? I mean really! The meds made me feel worse if anything at all. But the doc’s didn’t wanna hear it. These doctors all seemed to be stuck in some conformation biases and sadly they don’t listen to the patients. “Shite” they don’t even look us in the eyes. I often felt dehumanized by these white old men with self appointed and smug authoritarian attitude towards me. I now go to a clinic that has a totally different approach, I actually have someone talking and listening to me when I go there. There seems to be a new approach and things are getting better. The whole chemical balance theory has never made sense to me, the brain is not an organ full of chemicals, but it is full of neurons.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to

I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar about 19 years ago. I went through them all- lamictal, risperdol, seroquel, paxil, depacote, lithium, zoloft, the list goes on. I was on everything they had. Pretty much ruined my teenage years.

It's rather scary that what we are told is "scientists believe..." can be as simple as them having tested the behavior of mice while given different medications to draw their conclusions.

My grandmother was diagnosed with manic depression back in the 60's or 70's I believe. Looking back- she was always pretty off. My mom and grandmother are very much alike, though my mom doesn't take bipolar medications. We've discussed before that it might be that both of them are ADHD. My mom's a hoarder, she has taken long naps during the day for as long as I can remember. At the same time, she comes off very narcissistic though I know she's not and she's often involved in many different things, jumping from one barbershop chorus or church choir to the next.

Growing up, she was constantly getting involved in things to keep us all busy- like singing groups, theatre groups, etc...

Makes me wonder if the bipolar diagnosis of my grandmother was really ADHD.

in reply to cjnolet

The newest thing I’ve read, is that ADHD, autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are all caused by the same defect or “glitch” in our DNA. What causes some of us to get one disorder rather than the other is still a mystery to scientists. Maybe some in the same family get one thing and another individual in the same family gets another. I’m from Iceland and we do have a higher rate of schizophrenia in our population than the rest of the world. We are all related and descendants of about 35,000 people that survived a volcanic eruption in the 1830’s. There is one region in that country that has a slightly higher incidents of schizophrenia than people that come from the rest of the island. It is a very isolated place and it was extremely hard for people to get in and out of there due to extreme cold and long winters so the people that lived there probably intermarried with their closer relatives more than the rest, although marrying your second cousins was a complete taboo and would never be permitted. No one wants to live in that region anymore because it’s too isolated. Maybe ADHD is a milder case of Schizophrenia or at least a tweaked one. Maybe it’s all the same condition but our DNA tweaks it a bit different in each individual, so maybe different version of the same condition can show up in individuals in the same family. IDK, but it’s possible.

phillycodehound profile image

I've been on Vyvance for years and haven't had the issue, but my son just went on it for a few days to try it out and he talked non-stop. Mostly to himself, but it wasn't good. We're trying other meds now.

needsmusic profile image

My research on ADHD lists over-talking as a common characteristic of ADHD. Also blurting out things that would be better left unsaid. I have listened to the TED talks on ADHD and gotten a LOT of affirmation. So with adhd, I am like Popeye. I am what I am. Aspects of this "condition" come and go at times. Stress always brings out more challenges.

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to needsmusic

I love the username! I've also come to realize as well that I just talk. Over the years I've learned how to manage certain behaviors with regards to talking too much and saying the wrong things. Mostly this has been an intuition I've formed from feedback I get from those around me (e.g. I've learned from how people have treated my responses over the years what's okay and what's not okay).

This is yet another reason I believe my Mom to be the source that carried my ADHD genes- she's 70 and still has no filter. Whenever my wife, kids & I go out with her in public it sometimes gets embarrassing the things she says. She's got a very kind heart and would never intentionally do anything to hurt anyone but if you don't know that about her, she could come off as opinionated or even snobby (even though she's one of the least snobby people I've ever met).

Anyways- I do talk a lot and sometimes I'll just talk to keep a conversation going because it feels good when people want to be engaged in intellectual conversations with me. It's weird because, on that same note, I also get bored easily with people as well as ideas and things so often I'll converse with people and be really interested in what they have to say while it's stimulating for me but when I get bored I'd just as soon be left alone.

useitloseit profile image
useitloseit in reply to cjnolet

Too many overly sensitive people

We are honest

If that offends well I just can't help you

Most people of quality appreciate a good honest fervent conversation

...at least once a week.

Sometimes we need to go read a book

I seriously don't think I've ever been offended

It's pretty arrogant and self absorbed to take another person's thoughts or words so inward

useitloseit profile image

I think inside we feel way more "wired/chatty" than we come off.

How did your coworkers respond when you apologized?

Maybe just don't do that. I think when we continuously over apologize and look for feedback it makes us look like your describing you feel.

The truth is most people really aren't paying attention in conversation

We do

So we don't get that at all

cjnolet profile image
cjnolet in reply to useitloseit

This is very true. In fact, it's been almost an entire year since I had written this original post and I feel I've changed quite a bit in my thinking.

In fact, I've regressed more to the way I've always thought about the world, before my diagnosis last year. See, at some point my anxiety caused me to thinking I had a problem that needed to be fixed and so I started to see a therapist. My dad passed away from colon cancer around the same time, and I suppose seeing a therapist was justified.

Looking back on what I went through, I'm seeing that 99% of the problem was that I did have enough trust in myself. At the time, I had 2 kids, a beautiful home that I bought entirely on my own (with, of course the support from my wonderful wife), a dream job, higher education degrees.... a wonderful family.... you name it. Even though I have all these things (though I have 3 kids now), I did not feel I was good enough. I wanted more, in an almost selfish way. It turns out, my therapist had very different political views than I do and I'm seeing that I was made to feel like I was a "nut job" because I though differently than him. I discipline my children when they get out of line, but at the same I also boost them up and help mold them into intelligent individuals that will, hopefully, have the tools to contribute something great to society some day. If not, at least I gave them the tools.

My point is that I did not have the self confidence i needed and that spilled over into every aspect of my life, causing interpersonal relationship problems, which then caused problems everywhere else. What I've come to realize, in as humble a manner as possible, is that I'm human and that's the most beautiful part about all of this. I can make a mistake and not even have to consider what others may think.

I'm writing this because what you said in your reply hits the nail on the head. I've learned over this past year that the thoughts I choose to carry around with me literally define the reality that I perceive, which then define how i act (and react) to those perceptions.

I've thought back on some of the things that I used to do that would cause others to react to me in a strange way:

1. I used to be too quick to respond to people. THough I always thought I could "think faster than other people", I've since learned that my mind just tends to travel more than them so I have more trouble sitting listening to what people have to say when I think I already know what they are going to say. Turns out, I can't predict the future.

2. I used to apologize too much in general. At some point, everyhting because "I'm sorry" and "My bad". I've come to realize that when I'm constantly apologizing for things, people begin to treat you as if you aren't sure of yourself.

3. I used to get emotional in my responsible and react before thinking through the best way to react. This is the definition of "impulsiveness" but I've since learned that, with a little practice, appreciation therapy, and wellness, I can actually take a step back and think about my reaction before making it.

4. Modeling a rigid vision of the world in my head and not allowing others to influence it. I've always considered myself a visionary of sorts because I model the world in a way that I'd like to see it and can often build in useful tools to that model that I think believe would be useful to the world. Since I'm a data scientist and a software engineer, this has its perks. However, modeling the world with too rigid of a vision comes with a few downsides- 1) without enough agility built in, it makes it hard to adapt as knowledge of the world (or the world itself) changes. 2) We often cannot do groundbreaking or world-changing things alone, so if the vision isn't flexible enough to cater to the perspectives and suggestions of others, you will be taking the journey on your own, alienating your support and cheerleaders that might help you as you get burnt out and need help to get across the finish line.

Anyways, in hindsight, I don't think I needed therapy to figure these things out because I largely figured them out on my own. What I realized is that the answers to my happiness were with me the entire time- I just needed to trust in myself. After all of this, I'm happy I took on the journey to get to know myself better, because my confidence and self-esteem are at an all-time high, my physical and mental health are as good as they've ever been, I have the best job in the world, and the best family a guy could ask for.

My last accomplishment, the ability to give a talk in front of a large crowd, was done last week as I presented at a Data Science Conference. That took care of one of my biggest fears- which was being able to be myself when speaking in front of others. I've given presentations in the past but always felt I was holding back from being my happy, energetic, excited, self. The talk I gave at the Data Science Conference was different- I wouldn't allow myself to think about negative outcomes. I smashed the narrative head on and it was extremely well-received.

My 2 boys both have obvious ADHD symptoms. I'm proud of this actually, because they share my genes and I get to understand them better than anyone else. I've lived a life of being different, but if you look back in history, everyone who has changed the world has been different. I have now been able to take this to a public speaking role and i'm head over heels excited to continue bringing a different perspective to the world.

Nataliem1987 profile image
Nataliem1987 in reply to cjnolet

Really inspiring . Thank you for sharing

I have been on Vyvanse for about a month at 80mg. It’s working great for me. I’m talking a lot too but these side effects are a bit bothersome. I only take it at work Tuesday-Friday and give myself the other days off to “reset” my body and that helps me. I’m also on medication for my Bipolar disorder so I have a lot going on. Lol! I don’t eat anything but skittles...I know it’s weird, and the other day I took one more pill then usual so I had taken 100mg and I will NEVER do that again! Way too much stimulation! I started at 20mg but it didn’t work for me so we had to increase but that’s why I take the breaks so my body won’t get so used to it.

KND80 profile image

I googled "Vyvanse Talking Too Much" and the search results came up with a link to this page. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD about 2 months ago, and have always been a bit chatty, but now that I'm on Vyvanse, I feel like I can't stop sometimes. In the past, I was able to filter and control myself, but now I can't seem to "shut up". I was dating someone for a few months and one day he just unleashed on me - telling me I never "shut the f**k up", that I'm all over the place when I talk, and that all I want to do is have deep, meaningful conversations." I had told him in the past he needs to tell me if I'm talking too much, but he never mentioned anything, so I figured all was good... Guess not!

I mentioned the excessive talking to my doctor and he said that the medication should not make me "talk too much", so I've come to believe it's because I'm finally happy. I feel my confidence coming back, my anxiety is disappearing, and I think the reason I'm talking so much is due to the fact that I finally know what has been "wrong" with me my entire life. For the first time ever, I'm excited and look forward to the future and reaching my full potential. I'm also in the process of discovering myself and the personality that I always kept hidden for fear of judgement. Maybe I AM talking a lot, but I think it's due to repressing my voice for so long and I finally feel free. I just might need to tone it down a tiny bit...lol

leighan profile image

maybe its just the brain energy you are getting from the vyvanse. The good thing is that you noticed it yourself. Now just remind yourself before you head off to watch your self. I sometimes list off a few things to myself before I go to work just as a reminder. It seems to work for me.

Johnooo profile image
Johnooo in reply to leighan

How’s vysanse going any problems I take dex in afternoon getting really tied if afternoon at work , but was great , now last 4 days feels like my chest is going to explode like aniexty but worst I’ve had it , it’s like all the sudden It’s gone from everything great focused motivated social happy to depressed tied sleeping a lot , not sure what I have done wrong but can’t get in contact doctor as he’s not calling me back in last 3 days, Take floxetrine with it as well , only been on this for couple months but same thing swap meds every two 3 months lately it’s like I build a tolerance or some thing

leighan profile image
leighan in reply to Johnooo

I was taking zoloft and vyvanse together and started getting panic attacks and depression. I am off of all that now and feel much better. The doc had me on too much i also started stuttering it was aweful. I doubt i had depression. Too much meds is no good.

MissyK29 profile image

I know this is really old, but wanted to add my experience, just in case it helps anyone.

My brain is so crazy, it's impossible to clear it. It makes speaking, thinking, reading almost impossible most days.

My ADD does mask my Aspergers, so I do talk way more on it. I feel really self conscious about any amount of talking though.

But for me...

I cried the first time I used Vyvanse because it made even simple conversations easier. I feel like I have a lifetime of thoughts that are trying to process. It's amazing. Growing up in the 80s everyone just called me stupid & lazy. It's nice to finally know they were wrong.

Well heck! Hahaha! I just joined a few days ago and saw this thread. This has enlightened me greatly. Vyvanse has helped me see things so much more clearly but for the life of me, I couldn't understand the sudden excessive chatter. I hope that you are doing well in your life since your posts. :) Thanks again. I have got to laugh. I thought that my concussion banged open a chat drawer or something. I will have to check this phenomenon out!

Extrovert profile image

I just joined this group, but was diagnosed with depression/ADHD as a 40+ yr old. I have been taking Vyvanse for a little over a year and started with 20mg and now up to 40mg. I'm still getting feedback from my peers and supervisor that I'm still talking to much and oversharing. It seems I can't control it or not aware of it. When it's at social settings, that's one thing, but professionally, it really affects my self-esteem and makes me self-concious. This is my job and livlihood and I don't know if I should just increase my dose again or switch to another med. If not for the talking, I would say Vyvanse has been a life-savor. I'm more focused and productive and happier than I have ever been.

Any advice?

Crazymind75 profile image

Hey mate, I have had adhd all my life and only last July 2020 I was diagnosed. I'm 46 on Feb 10, 21.

Over the years I have lost 7 high profile jobs through having no filter, cutting people off and a 100 other things.

I've been on Vyvanse 60 and dex 10 each day for 4 months now.

I find my mind can slow down and I think better but the talkativeness is out of control.

I come across eratic and I have had 3 formal warnings at work in 4 weeks.

When I don't have it, I lose concentration and make mistakes but I hardly talk now where as before Vyvanse, I did.

I'm a little confused on why this happens but my psych said it's all good and I only have to deal with my urges to kill people and I'll be fine. I feel ya pain bro.

Hobbiest5 profile image

I just found you posting about Vyvance. I know the posting is 4 yrs old and I’m hoping you’ve found some success with using the Vyvance. I’m reaching out because A. Some of what your mentioning resonates with me.

B. On the advice of my Phycologist I take a day off every week from the Vyvance.

It gives my body a rest. I’ll plan it for a time when I’m not expected to do much (usually on the weekends). I still function, my appetite is increased and I need to set more alarms to remind myself not to forget that I’m supposed to stop a project and do the grocery shopping before 6pm etc. I don’t make a big deal of it, and know one knows. It’s just part of my plan.

C. I too live in the Baltimore/Towson area of Maryland.

D. I’m trying to develop a support group for ADHDers to check in with each other for help and support via Zoom or Skype.

The intent would be primarily to help us to stay focused, to encourage each other with ideas to concur their demons (whatever they might be), to get motivated to walk our walks in life right now as we as to follow through to completion of our projects, tasks or jobs or goals.

I’d like to meet with all that are interested on Monday February 28 at 10:00EST &9pmEST to create a plan and to create guidelines. From there we can determine what it is that we need from each other and this group and go from there.

If you have any interest or have any knowledge about creating virtual support sites or rooms, please let me know and join in on the 28th.

Look up my request from late last week asking about Body Doubles or Shadows.

Hope to hear from you one way or the other. 😀

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