Hi everyone. Thanks for being here. I wrote a few months back about my 8 year old who was undiagnosed. Well my suspicions were confirmed this week and he finally got an official diagnosis of adhd (combined type) from the pediatrician. I've been on this forum for a while soaking up all the tips. Thank you! So before this I had already started trying to give supplements/vitamins like omega 3 and rhodiola gummies. He hated the texture and flavor of both. So that stopped. I even got the hardys daily essential nutritients which were not cheap! But can't figure out how to get them in him because the capsules are huge and full with powder, and there's too much in one to easily mix with apple sauce on a spoon - let alone the 12 capsules he's supposed to build up to in one day.
The 3rd grade teacher is amazing and very experienced and has tried many accommodations without any 504 in place (moving seat, using a sand timer, standing desk, privacy shield, bathroom breaks, fidgets....) but nothing seems to be helping him organize himself, or help him stay focused enough to independently complete desk work without tons of redirecting or prompting. Traditional desk work (which they do a lot of despite how great the teacher is) is prob not the best learning envirnment for him, but we can't afford the Montessori or Waldorf schools near us. And i tried homeschooling for part of kindegarten but he's too socal for that to work. And I have a full time job.
He's really social, talkative, funny, outgoing, sensitive, empathetic, gender expansive, and bright. The teacher describes him well as having "young behavior but a really mature mind". But she's concerned about an academic gap growing.
He's been in art/ play therapy for a few months which seems to really have helped with some anxiety he was feeling (which he reports as improved). He's already doing a play group at school with the social worker to work on managing emotions and sustaining friendships (all without any 504!). But none of this seems to be helping with the focus on work.
So here we are at the medication crossroads. We really didn't want to jump straight into meds but the pediatrician and teacher spoke, and because the teacher feels she's tried a lot, and because we're already working with a private therapist and school social worker, the pediatrician suggested 30 day trial of starter dose of Adderral or Concerta as the next treatment.
My insurance will only cover generic. I've been reading about the differences between namebrand vs generic for concerta. Apparently the shortage is not affecting the area I'm in too much so either would be available she said. So my questions are any suggestions for which would be better?
A once-a-day dose in liquid would prob be best for him. And id like to be able to take breaks on weekends and use mostly for just school times.
I'm worried about him losing his spark or some of the rough side effects I've read about on here. I don't want to do tons of trial and error. I mentioned genesight to the pediatrician and she said if this trial didn't work we could maybe try that before moving forward with different meds.
I'm ambivalent and anxious and not sure if we should jump in but another part of me is thinking we should just try. These decisions are so hard. But I want my child to thrive so I'm trying to make the best choices. Thanks for reading!