Hi there. My 4 year old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD by a Developmental Pediatrician and Psychologist. This diagnosis stemmed from his preschool recommending we get him assessed and that his behavior was out of the norm to his peers. At this stage the behavior is mostly issues with aggression (towards peers and teachers), impulse control, and socializing with peers.
We are starting him on Guanfacine as prescribed by his Pediatrician. And have also started him in Occupational Therapy. I have also reached out to our local school district to start the evaluation process (he won't be in public school until next year however).
Overall, I'm finding myself feeling quite discouraged by this journey. It's so hard to see his peers be able to meet behavior expectations and to see him struggle. He can be super delightful and fun to be around, but really struggles when he starts to see red. He's also so young that I wonder how much is the stage of life and how much will continue. I worry that he will be kicked out of preschool and struggle in mainstream public school.
Any thoughts on how to navigate this journey that I'm not already doing? How were you able to keep a positive attitude while going through these struggles? I'm looking for hope in something that feels a bit insurmountable at the moment.