Hello, newbie here. My now 10yo son was dx with ADHD combined type when he was 8. His academics were in decline as class content began to become more challenging and his impulsivity and lack of focus remained. We tried adderall xr for awhile to no avail then switched to methylphenidate er which has seemed to make somewhat of an impact. He seems to be more attentive in class and improving in that area.
My concern has turned to his social skills. This area has always been a challenge for him. He loves to play with everyone. All the time. I think he’s often been overwhelming to others. Never inappropriately or aggressively - just different. Super busy, talks fast, focuses on his interests and not a great listener. While he is very kind and has empathy, he is hard to relate to as he bursts out with whatever train of thought he is on (and that changes fast). He also is very sensitive. If he interprets something from someone as mean, he walks away and won’t try to play with them anymore.
He often ends up alone at recess or while the other neighborhood kids play. And it’s heart breaking. He wants to play and thinks no one likes him. While I think the med does slow him down enough that he is less overwhelming, at this age other kids are maturing out of the things that still interest him and he’s still awkward in ways.
I love his personality. It is big and beautiful and he has great things to offer the world. But I see his shine beginning to dim. It hurts him to feel isolated and left out.
And I don’t know how to help. I’ve ordered the book “why won’t anyone play with me” and am educating myself as much as possible to try and help him. I may try to find an ADHD coach to help with this. My hope is that he can learn the social skills to navigate this world that doesn’t treat others kindly when they are different and one day have some good friendships.
So if you’ve read this far (thank you) and if you have any suggestions or things that have worked for you or your kids to help them socially connect with others more easily, I’d love to hear them.
Thank you!