We’re on the med journey that I’m sure so many of you know well. My son is 7.5 ASD/PDA, originally also diagnosed ADHD with lots of anxiety. He struggles big time with emotional regulation, aggression, following routines and demands. He’s extremely verbal and social but has a hard time making and keeping friends. Impulsivity, elopement, aggression, it all impacts his daily life.
We follow a pretty set routine each day with fairly low demands. He goes to a private therapeutic school through his IEP where he gets OT, play therapy, speech etc. The school is extremely accommodating but he still struggles big time.
We work with a child psych for meds and did genesight but genesight really hasn’t been helpful. Most things came back in the green, but still haven’t worked for him.
He currently takes 1mg immediate release guanfacine and .5mg resperidone in the morning, 1.5 guanfacine at 4pm and 1mg resperidone at bedtime. I believe the guanfacine is not enough but before resperidone we tried increasing it and it makes him irritable/angry. The resperidone helps him talk through emotions more but higher doses don’t seem right. He’s gained a lot of weight and more seems to make him more sensative in a negative way.
We’ve tried stimulants and it increases anxiety and aggression. Sertraline and Fluoxetine made him reckless even at smaller doses. Abilify was horrible and made him fixate on buying things. We originally started on guanfacine immediate release because he couldn’t take a pill and it was compounded to a liquid. We’ve since tried the XR and it’s made him pretty loopy but I wonder if we’re not switching right because it’s a blood pressure med.
He is currently sleeping well at night and does “ok” at home but that’s with A LOT of accommodating on our part. I also believe certain high fat foods don’t work well with guanfacine (like peanut butter) so I’m constantly worrying about food too.
I know this is a lot. Has anyone seen luck with Straterra or Quelbree in combination with other meds? Wellbutrin is another one I’ve seen that we have not tried.
Please share your experiences. We just want him to be happy and feel like he can be successful without meltdowns and fight/flight.