hello, I am mother of 2 boys, 6 and 7 years old. The younger is hyperactive, a lot of fun and gets very angry when offended. We are full time travellers and do boatschooling. My husband and I teach them separately (one with each) and take one week shifts. The one who is on the week shift with our younger is always struggling hard. It takes a big effort to get him to concentrate: he moves around, he sings, lies backwards, puts his feet on the table, laughs very loud, drums with his hands on the table, etc, he really tests our patience, but once he concentrates, he’s brilliant.
We are just starting, he is in first grade but we’ll try to keep going without medication (even though some days I end up crying).
When I was a child, my brother was diagnosed with ADHD and dislexia and was on Ritalin. I remember feeling I had lost my brother, my friend, my partner in mischief, he became so serious, irritable, boring and not hungry.
I know that if our son had to attend regular school, we would have to medicate him. But I wonder if Montessori schools might be better?
Changing subject: SCREENS
Our children never played screen games but they did watch TV ( Netflix or Disney) from dusk for 2 hours approx. Lately we realized how anxious and addicted to it they became so we cancelled every night tv and only allow it once a week and we watch something we can all enjoy, documentaries or good kid’s movies. At the beginning we (my husband and I) felt we lost our quiet evening time, but we all got used to it and now they are drawing, painting and playing. The living space got more messy, but hopefully better for their development. It’s been only a few weeks without tv, we’ll see…
Anybody else out there living off grid with a hyperactive child?