My eight-year-old son was diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago. I strongly suspected as much for a couple years. He had every symptom.
Anyway, we had him on Ritalin at first. I want to say we started at 5mg, which helped a little, but we moved him up to 10 a couple weeks after if I remember right. And then 20mg maybe six months later.
Like everyone else, we had a hard time finding his medication. I would call 10-20 pharmacies sometimes to get it. Then his insurance stopped covering it and they switched him to Vyvanse.
I want to say equivalent dose on that was 10mg at first. He did that for a few month and we had to bump him up to 15mg, then I think 20mg a month after that. Then 30mg a few months later. And now he's been at 40mg for a few months.
The issue we're having is he seems to build up a tolerance fairly quickly and it loses its effectiveness. He's naturally skinny (my wife and I were both very thin as kids) but he's not gaining weight and he's not eating as much as we'd like. He's been between 49 and 51 pounds for over a year. He also has a hard time getting to sleep. He's usually awake until 9:30 or 10. Sometimes until 11 or later.
We tried Pediasure Grow and Gain shakes for a while. At first they worked well and he put on a couple pounds. But then he started getting severe constipation from them so we stopped.
He's reached the point where his medication isn't working very well again. I'm hesitant to keep bumping him up because it's an appetite suppressant. I'm not sure if a different medication would work better, but I know it'll be a nightmare trying to change. We had to get prior authorizations more times than I can count even for medication his insurance did cover.
I've talked to his pediatrician and he's always a little wishy washy with his answers. I've asked if his dose is normal, high or low and he says we still have room to go up. I'm guessing a lot of people have been in the same situation. Curious to know how others have handled it.