Our daughter was diagnosed with ADHD just before she turned 6. We suspected that she had it at age 3, or at least I did when watching her with her classmates at a pre-school function. Her classmates were showing their parents around, activity to activity, our kiddo was a bumble bee in a bottle. Wanting to show us everything all at once, and then off again before the words "look at this" were even out of her mouth. (side note her dad, and his brother both have ADHD diagnosed in adulthood)
Now that she's in kindergarten it seems like her ADHD has exploded. Mostly at school. Oppositional behaviors with the teacher, bathroom accidents (these have been ongoing since potty training, but have gotten fewer and fewer until the last couple of months), biting herself when she gets frustrated, and just yesterday she was punching a classmate who walked in front of her. We did have one therapist who we had to fire due to him not being able to keep our daughter straight from other clients, and HIPAA violations in which he named other clients to me. We got lucky and another place we were looking into, had an opening that we start at next week. With the biting we went to her primary care who ordered a neuro-psych which is a month away, and we are still waiting to find out if we can get into OT next month.
At home we got her a yoga swing for Christmas, and it's set up in the beam in our living room and she's in so many times a day. She has dance class 3 days a week, and is part of the competition team at our local Y. She also has swim, and we'll be starting softball soon. We're trying to keep her going without overloading her and ourselves.
I'm looking for some support and advice, and things to learn to help her as best as we c an because I feel like somedays it's just frustration after frustration and we want to help her work with her amazing brain.