I keep reading about zinc, omega 3 and magnesium. Does anyone have recommendations on gummy vitamins they use for ADHD that are helping? My daughter is 7.
I keep reading about zinc, omega 3 and magnesium. Does anyone have recommendations on gummy vitamins they use for ADHD that are helping? My daughter is 7.
Our son is older so we don’t use gummy vitamins now, but I just wanted to add that for some kids with genetic differences in processing folate, taking a supplement with l-methylfolate and methycobalamin can make a difference in mood/behavior within 3 months. Might be worth a try if you are looking at multivitamins anyway. I think smarty pants gummies has this type of folate and b12 in them?
Many kids with adhd are low on b12 and magnesium.
Yes! Very true. A good well rounded supplement is needed to pick up all of those. Unfortunately a lot of vitamins only contain folic acid, the cheap and, for kids like mine, unusable form of folate. When we changed to vitamins with the more bio-available methylfolate instead of folic acid the difference was huge.
Could you provide images of a couple you recommend? I doubt she will eat them but I could always try.
The Pure Encapsulations brand mentioned by Spark16 uses methylfolate as the folate/B6 source in many of their multivitamins. Smarty Pants vitamins /gummies at Target often uses it too. A number of other high quality vitamins do, just double check the label to make sure the B6 source is methylfolate and not folic acid (and that b12 is also included).
If you want it separate from a multivitamin, Doctor's Best Fully Active B Complex or Country Life, Coenzyme B-Complex Vitamin are a couple good options, but there are many others!
I am having the same question myself! Trying to find something simple to get his Dad to give him on the days he's there (half the week), his Dad doesn't think he has ADHD, but that's a separate topic for a whole other day!
I've also read that low iron is common in ADHD. My son is extremely picky, and doesn't eat a very wide diet, so I wouldn't doubt he needs a good daily supplement that gives at least some magnesium, iron, and zinc, but must be a gummy (or chewable).
So, I JUST did this deep dive. And these are the two things I came up with: Pure Encapsulation s, PurePals multi plus iron and Nordic Naturals Omega 3/DHA. Now, my son also has Celiac and we are vegetarian so throw that in the mix and the price of your daily vitamin triples, but so does the quality. These two things combined cover EVERYTHING my son needs for both his Celiac, his ADHD, and his growing body. My kid is a VERY picky eater. We have like three meals we eat every day, so a complete multivitamin is essential. My only caveat to this recommendation is that I JUST ordered them, so he hasn't tried them. They may be awful, but at this point I have tried everything, so he is going to have to put on his big boy boots and eat them. Haha... Easier said than done. Fingers crossed.
iron can constipate kids, fyi. My kids doctor says her adhd created her constipation (whole life even at 9yo. Apparently kids with adhd ignore body needs and pains). Magnesium can loosen stools though, so keep an eye on that factor when trying these meds. Kids with adhd are usually low on magnesium and b12 I have heard, but not iron… however, I had low iron as a kid and wasn’t diagnosed until 38.thanks for giving me more research! 😂
Actually it’s super common for kids with ADHD to be low on iron. After reading about it from various sources we got our son tested and sure enough he was pretty low!
I know.... it's such a tricky area for us because my son has been constipated his whole life as well, but it's so hard to get iron as a vegetarian (and an incredibly picky eater), so I'm hoping the magnesium and iron combo helps level him out. Any other suggestions for constipation? I am afraid to admit how long my son has been on Miralax and I've tried EVERYTHING to get him off. Any suggestions are welcome! TIA
My daughter had miralax AND ex lax (adult doses) daily from 3-7yo) if we made bigger dose, she would have accidents and upset tummy. If not enough, she could go a week (or rarely2) without going 💩. We’ve tried more than $200 worth of over the counter meds, from oral chews to magnesium lotion, to probiotics, to smarty pants. Between her stubborn ness of taking meds and her stubbornness on 💩, we are at a loss on what to do.
After 9 years of testing, I’m thinking it could be a behavioral thing rather than a medical one. Need to talk to her doctor about bowel therapy, where they help her not be embarrassed about pooping while others in the vicinity. She admittedly said over holiday break she didn’t 💩 four days because she “didn’t want to go while my friend was here” visiting for four days. She was tested at least 10 different ways over the years.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear this. My son has had similar issues. He doesn't go without the miralax, but even with it the doctor thinks he's not fully emptying so he gets these back ups that have sent us to the hospital more than once. When we got the Celiac diagnosis I thought we had figured it out, but we tried to wean of the miralax and got another backup within a week. I too have tried a million vitamins and supplements, but I think his issue is a motility issue and he may need a stimulant to keep him moving. We use exlax when we get the back ups but I'm thinking a more regular dose. Maybe senna since it's more natural but that can cause severe cramping... So, no solution yet. I'm going to get another opinion from a different gastroenterologist. I hope that bowel therapy will help for your daughter! 🤞🙏🤞🙏
We got a negative on the celiac diagnosis. No reversed colon like her cousin. Almost a mega colon before (probably is now), no thyroid issues like me (yet) and nothing else found. I’ve been through more than 5 gastroenterology professionals with no help since the tests are all negative. I hope the therapy does too, but no idea where to start to get one.
Just wanted to jump in here that my 15 y old daughter had horrid constipation all thru middle school--after several years of constant bowel clean outs and so many laxatives they finally did bloodwork and discovered celiac, then confirmed by a biopsy. Since beginning gluten free diet she still has a bit of constipation day to day and takes milk of magnesium caplet but is completely off any other laxatives.
I don't know that celiac was whole problem but def has helped manage this
Wow, thank you for this! I am going to jot these down and look into all of them! Hope your son likes them!
we use crunchy chewables for zinc (like chewable Tylenol/ibuprofen). No idea on omega 3, but magnesium we use mag07 powder in a milky drink or a milkshake for dessert. She loves it (other than the cramps if I put too much in).
I wish there were good multivitamin gummy options! Unfortunately Omega-3s and iron are rarely included multivitamins so those you'll probably have to take separately.
There are some good chewables with methylated folate (Dr. Mercola Children's Multi and Vitatab chewable). PurePals actually looks great too. Unfortunately chewables tend to be chalky and I haven't been successful in getting my kids to take them.
Mary Ruth's Organic or regular Multivitamin gummies are a decent option -they also have methylfolate and methylcobalamin (B12) but they have very little zinc, no magnesium (and no iron or Omegas). Mary Ruth's also makes a sugar free Omega gummy that we haven't tried.
My daughter (6) now takes Best Nest Wellness Multi+ for kids liquid which has the highest nutrient levels I could find plus she takes liquid iron as well as magnesium, vitamin D and Omega 3 gummies. My son (10) takes the same gummies as well as a zinc gummy and EnLyte (a high dose methylated B vitamins + iron prescription multivitamin).
It's a lot but my son has benefited so much from nutrient supplementation. (He was diagnosed with severe ADHD & borderline ODD just 15 months ago and now he's doing great on supplements alone.) Hope this helps!
Novaferrum liquid iron: a.co/d/2bV5aSZ
Magnesium citrate gummies: a.co/d/auyCwbB
Feel good Vitamin D: a.co/d/4aRsBkV
Nordic Naturals Omega-3s: a.co/d/hhZmNxo
Nature's Way Zinc Gummies: a.co/d/8zYPStS
I ended up ordering these before I read some of the above posts, with the idea that at least his Dad would be giving him SOMEthing! amazon.com/dp/B00020I11S?re...
The zinc is very low, and I don't like Magnesium Oxide, but I do give him extra Zinc and Magnesium Citrate at my house at least. If the iron is constipating, maybe he can just take one instead of 2. Just wanted to share my find, and I'll try to report back at some point!
We are using Solaray Kids Vitamins & Minerals chewables. It has zinc, magnesium, iron, folic acid but does not have Omega 3.