hi everyone, i'm new here. and looking to improve and learn new things to better help my son with ADHD. My son was diagnosed when he was 5 years old, from pre-k up until now he has struggled with school. he is in extra help classes and the school has been amazing with helping me through each step along with his doctors and developmental specialist. We have only tried one medication with him last summer, and stopped it shortly after due to side effects. He is a kid always on the go and never really slows down much. He's a picky eater, and when its time for homework to be done its been a real struggle he gets very upset and overwhelmed easily. looking for tips or advice to make his life easier when it comes to getting work done. He was never really a behavioral issue. but lately hes been testing the waters alot.
i was also wondering what everyone thinks about the online courses. i'm very interested in taking them I don't know which one i should start with or where to even begin. I really want to learn as much as i can to better support my son. Some days i feel at a dead end and unsure of what to do. so i'm hoping all of you can help me, and lead me in the direction i need to be in.
Thank you.