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Jsunshine profile image
4 Replies

Hello, my son (5 y/o) was diagnosed with anxiety and dysregulated anger and aggression disorder about 1 year ago (children's mental health professional). He was then diagnosed with ADHD about 3 months ago (physiologist). I now have a clearer understanding that the ladder diagnosis has much to do with his initial diagnoses. We are medically managing his ADHD with Ritalin. Most of dysregulation tends to happen at school. We had about a 6 week period of success while on Ritalin but now we are seeing a lot more dysregulation at school again (running, hiding, impulsive behavior, inability to focus, difficulty with peer relationships because of the other behaviors). We had been going PCIT but my son just met his goals and was discharged (this was before a lot of the behaviors started coming back). He has an IEP. I have him on omega-3, children's multivitamin and magnesium/l-theanine. I am in constant communication with his pediatrician about his medication. He is currently on 7.5mg of Ritalin (short acting) AM dose and one additional dose 4 hours later. We switch to the long acting version and about 10 days later we saw the change in behavior. So, we've been back on the short acting for almost 3 week. I feel very isolated in this. I am looking for any thoughts or suggestions. I just want to support my son and see him successful.

Thank you for your time.

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Aspen797 profile image

Welcome to the group! I have learned so much from other parents posting here and really find it a good community. I think you will too. Your little sounds a lot like ours at that age. It is tough when they are little and filled with flight or fight and very limited ability to understand or express what they understand or feel. It’s also tough as a parent because you’re always questioning yourself. It’s great that you already have an an IEP and are checking into medication and supplements and therapy. That is fantastic! Have you had your little one evaluated for pragmatic language deficits by a speech pathologist and/or sensory/emotional regulation issues by an occupational therapist? Oftentimes our anxious littles have lagging skills in these areas that therapy can help address. Most insurances cover the first evaluation. You can find referrals to more experienced and knowledgeable professionals by reaching out to your local CHADD, Autism association, or state’s parent resource center ( Developmental Behavioral Pediatricians at university hospitals can also help.

A lot of parents of anxious/inattentive kids find luck with guanfacine as well as a stimulant. The guanfacine helps the anxious impulsive piece. There are other good options too that a knowledgeable child psychiatrist could explore.

So glad you’re here! You’ll doubtless get more ideas and welcomes soon.

Edited to add that we have also had good success with adding methylfolate and methylcobalamin. If it’s going to help, you and your child’s pediatrician will know whether to continue or not after 4-5 months.

bear240 profile image


I would add thatthere is strong evidence (American Paediatric Guidelines)for ADHD management. The more you understand about behaviour and ADHD the better able to support him.

There is also a wealth of information on the internet from reputable sources such as CHADD as previously mentioned. Books from Drs Russell Barclay and Ned Hallowell I also found useful. Allied health professionals such as psychologists and OT's who have experience in this area are a wonderful resource as Aspen797 mentioned.

I am Australian so education systems are different. One of the great parents here I am sure can give you lots more tips.

Good luck

Welcome to the group, hopefully you won’t feel so isolated anymore. I cut it short…All I’d say from my experience with my son that Ritalin or any form of Methylpenidate will only exacerbate anger and anxiety so I am supposed that a stimulant was prescribed to him. I’d say if he is able to swallow a whole tablet/capsule then you need to ask his doctor to swap him to non stimulant ADHD medication (some of them can’t be crushed, the capsules have to be taken whole).There is a good choice of non stimulant ADHD medications- they work 24/7 so it means that throughout the day from the time he wakes until he goes to bed you will see the benefit. You have a few completely different non stimulant to try. My son is happy on Atomoxetine but I read here many parents are pleased with how their kids respond to Guanfacine, Qelbree etc. There are a few more to chose and don’t give up- if you try one and it doesn’t agree with your child, try the next option until you find something that makes your son happy. Non stimulants not only manage ADHD but also help with impulsive behaviour, oppositional behaviour, anxiety and mood so really they are all in one (you should be able to have him on just one medication rather than keep adding on and having him taking lots of different meds at different times of day- that’s how often kids on stimulants end up- to counteract side effects they keep getting prescribed more and more meds- to tackle mood, to help with anxiety, to help with sleep and so on- you don’t want to go this path).

I’d say well done for giving him vitamins and omega. Especially that stimulants cause dry mouth and suppressed appetite so probably his food intake on Ritalin isn’t great? My son couldn’t eat on Methylpenidate. With l theanine I’d be cautious as my son developed iron deficiency whilst on l theanine (it stops absorption of iron- the same like drinking 10s of litres of tea with tannings per day as it’s extremely concentrated).

I hope you find medication that works for your little man. He shouldn’t behave the way you describe- this means the medication he takes doesn’t help him. All I’d say- my son is on Atomoxetine, his attention is still not great but his mood is good, he is not aggressive, he stopped being oppositional and he enjoys a whole day packed with activities daily without any meltdowns- from the time he wakes until his bed time at 8pm (he is nearly 10 but I like my kids to go to bed early- all this would be not possible on Ritalin!) Don’t give up, keep searching for medication that helps him 24/7.

SecretAgentIEP profile image

Perhaps try a different type of stimulant, e.g., Vyvanse, or do genetic testing

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