My 5-year-old has severe ADHD. People make comments about his bad behavior when in public, which isn't really him being "bad", just him struggling with hyperactivity and impulse control. Last night for example I went out to dinner with my friend and brought my son. He was pretty well-behaved most of the night (actually sat in his seat before and during the meal, didn't interrupt, ate his food, etc.). We had talked beforehand about being on his best behavior and I could tell he was really trying. After he got done eating though, he reached his limit and was standing up in the booth, crawling under the table, etc. My friend who works with young kids tried to get him to calm down by saying things like, "My one year olds can stay in their seats for a whole meal, why can't you?" and "This isn't best behavior, you can act better than this." She meant well when she said these things but it was frustrating because I knew he WAS trying his best and he had actually been doing really well.
Similarly, when he gets frustrated or angry he'll often get violent and hit, kick, scratch, etc. We're working on handling it but grandma (who lives with us) will say things like, "I guess you just like being mean." "You're a mean person." etc. and will go on about it and compare him to his cousins, "so-and-so doesn't act like this." Again, in a well-meaning way, but ultimately all that does is make him think he's a mean person which makes it worse.
He's even gotten comments from other kids his age on the playground when he'll have tantrums, making fun of him. "Oh wow, how old are you?" and laughing at him. Moms staring, talking, whispering, judging, when he has meltdowns over me saying "no" or is running around in the grocery store not listening. "He needs a good spanking" is one I get a lot from strangers. His teachers and coaches threating him with punishments or taking away things he's earned because he can't focus and stand still like they want all of the time.
How do you deal with these comments as a parent and how do you interpret them for your child? My son has decided he is a bad person sometimes because of things like this and cries sometimes asking me to take out his "bones" so he can be good (he linked his impulsivity to his bones and insists that they make him not able to control his actions because that's how he's able to make sense of it in his mind).
The stigma around ADHD doesn't help, most people think it's not a real disorder and is just an excuse for lazy/bad parenting and bad behavior so even if I try to explain it, they don't try to listen. He really is a sweet, sensitive little boy, he just can't control himself all of the time. How do you deal with other people not understanding? How do you protect them from other people's judgement?