Hi my son who is 15 years old has been diagnosed with adhd, pda and ocd. He really struggling day to day his ocd is like command sometimes like he has a good brain and bad brain. Does anyone else have these complex needs.he is on medication. What medication works for others on this ocd behaviour. Please help
OCD, pda and adhd: Hi my son who is 1... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
OCD, pda and adhd

My son has adhd and ocd. He is 21 now. I would highly recommend therapy for the ocd. That was the key to overcoming the ocd. I think it’s called exposure therapy. My son went to therapy once a week for a year in 6th/7th grade. It’s very difficult and I feel for you and your son. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. My son is in college now. He still has ocd, but he can function and is doing well. Best of luck to you and your son.
Thankyou. Did your son have medication also and was it a case of good brain bad brain battling ?
I’m not familiar with that term. My son’s ocd was about perfectionism. He had to reread everything (schoolwork) bc he was sure he got it all, rewrote everything to make sure it was perfect. He also had this thing where he had to check things. Like if he were leaving a room, he had to look back and check. Check for what I’m not sure. Or get up from his seat and check it. I first noticed things when he would close a cabinet door, and then have to close it again. There are prob a lot of other examples I could give, but those I really remember.He was on focalin for adhd. In the end, he found that the adhd medication ended up causing more problems than help. It made him hyper focus on the ocd stuff. It took him being more mature and have a greater self awareness to recognize this. He did try an anti depressant for a short period of time, but that didn’t seem to have any effect, so he stopped taking that.
Hope that helps.
Thankyou for your reply theres so many forms of OCD I think his may be harm he is not very good at speaking about his feelings . I find him having to touch both elbows if one accidentally touches something, he has to do the same with the other also has to step on the door bars 3 times when passing through doors as he says it's the feeling of it under his feet. He has started sertraline 25mg for this and also takes 3 inositol, 30mg of lisdexamfetamine and 1mg of risperidone for ADHD. Hope your son is better at handling his thoughts now .
my son also has ADHD and OCD. Its not an unusual co-morbidity because of all the negative feedback they receive from the world around the ADHD. Medication is not terribly effective for OCD. OCD is best treated wtih Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) . try searching for a trained provider in your area by looking at the the IOCPD (International OCD Foundation) website.