I had twins at 42 and during pregnancy testing they went as far to offer to terminate my son because they where sure he would either have Downs or have some unidentified issues. Obviously he is here, healthy and 7 years old but he suffers not only from ADHD but also has OCD and excessively impulsive. He has been on Adderall since he was 6 and he seemed to be doing well but over the past 6 months or so the OCD and impulsive seems to be maturing more. To this point as a work from home single mom I have paired with his teachers and constant reinforcement in his home life of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. I have a set routine that he loves and even will remind me if we miss one of the deadlines. After much research I'm wondering if his ADHD is really the issue and should I be focusing more on the OCD side. I have found information that Adderall can have a negative impact on children suffering from OCD. I would love to know if there are other parents who have children with potentially "other" issues outside of the ADHD and how they proceeded to find a good balance to treats.
I'm pairing OCD, ADHD and excessive I... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
I'm pairing OCD, ADHD and excessive Impulsive

Hello, I also have a son with ADHD and OCD. Both are equally important to be treated. However, his psychiatrist started him in zoloft to decrease his anxiety and after 6 weeks his OCD improved a lot. He was in concerta for a week but he had chest pain and we had to stop it. Also, he is receiving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT which is fenomenal for kids with OCD. Hope this information helps
People typically don’t only have ADHD - I think about 80% also have at least one comorbidity (ODD, ASD, OCD, TS, Anxiety, etc,) though in kids the ADHD is usually diagnosed first.
I have two adult cousins with TS / ADHD / OCD, and they both felt the OCD was the worst for them growing up. But it varies by person which is causing the most trouble, and isn’t always clear as they have a lot of overlapping symptoms.
I would definitely talk to the pediatrician or diagnosing physician, but everything Vivian2222 said sounds like a great course of treatment. I don’t know much about treating OCD specifically, just that some comorbities really benefit from CBT more than others, while others may benefit more from a medication combo.
Thank God you had the foresight to not let them terminate. Omniscient assholes, doctors can be...
I’m fairly glad you brought this up. My son has not been diagnosed with OCD but has “ADHD severe combined type,” Dysgraphia, and “ clinical aspects of Pervasive Developmental Disorder” Oh the DSMV, how we love you and your shady ridiculous terms. PPD, is basically a subset or Autism. I know he has some sensory issues and he also has a high IQ but hates school. I am certain he also has OCD. He was on a VERY high does of an adderall derivative called “Adzenys” bc he was certain he would chicken if given a pill. I worked with him for 3 very long years to take a pill so that he could take Guanfisine,a blood pressure medication that is used as an off label ADHD Drug. The thinking behind it, you likely know, but it calms the central nervous system. He finally learned to take it this summer and they were able to lower his Adzenys by half the original amount! I think the high dose of stimulant really made him so amped and more nervous. He’s not having as many melt downs at school or home. I’m not certain but most of the pediatric ADHD meds can be taken by six years old, if you want to go that route. You are doing better than I am with the routine. I tried but nothing ever took. I happen to be a singlish mom with a chronic illness that is beginning to eat me alive. My “husband/roommate” may have something to do with that as well. Stress and autoimmune disorders are like that and I’d like to work from home myself, I have a degree that I never use except in child rearing, but my body doesn’t allow my mind to work to it’s full potential bc my illnesses, accept for a few years at Dell bf I became pregnant.
I’m wondering, do YOU have a support system? I know from experience that helps a lot.
I still have a very hard time getting him to even go to school though and am not sure where to turn next. Good luck. It’s a marathon, not a sprint so it has helped me find the tiny good things to celebrate.
I have a 6year with ADHD.
He was very difficult up until this year... the challenging behavior included aggression. He is also obsessive compulsive about specific things. We don’t have him on meds. He is thriving this year. I have to believe it is the positive reinforcement (I shower him with compliments and recognize everything he does without ‘an issue’), I play with him outside before school to burn off his energy a bit, and I talk to him tirelessly about recognizing feeling of frustration and disappointment. We have him in every sport and set clear expectations for behavior. It’s been a looonnnnng road, but our children are so intelligent and even genius. The side affects of medication were a risk my husband and I decided not to take... I’m glad we haven’t. Our children need tools to cope with the way their brains are wired. They process information all four ways, all at the same time. Remarkable. - this is why they are so bored so quickly. ADHD is the superpower of successful entrepreneurs. Research how amazing adhd kids turn out! It’s wonderful!
My 12 year old grandson had OCD out the Wazoo when he was little. Also have severe ADHD + aggression and violent temper tantrums. He would only wear certain types of fabrics, couldn't have lines and toes of his socks. Unlike most kids who don't like tight-fitting things everything of his head to be well-fitted or he complained it was baggy and made him look fat.
Getting his ADHD and aggression under control kind of got the other under control too. He still wants to wear athletic Jersey type material for his shirts but he will wear a cotton shirt once in awhile for a special occasion.
He also goes to a behavioral counselor to talk out impulsive behavior.
Hi vivian I was just wondering what OCD your son has ? And does it make him do certain things as a feeling to stay safe..thankyou