I am new here - I have a child who is 9 years old and has partial epilepsy with ADHD. He is in behavior of sudden hitting and throwing things. He suddenly demands and expect things immediately. How do I build patience level in him. How do I instill learning in him? Has anyone dealt with hitting behavior and what did you do to control it? I need some immediate help here.
Dealing with hitting tendency - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Dealing with hitting tendency
Hi there - My son 9YO does the same thing. Mood swings and sudden explosions of anger. We do a couple things:
-do not loose your cool or give additional attention. Be completely and utterly calm.
-immediate, very calm explanation "We never, ever hit/throw."
-immediate punishment "You are loosing ________ for (however long you decide.)"
then just walk away and disengage.
ADHD kids don't seem to learn from their mistakes, or rather, they do, but it takes a LOT longer. My son still does this, but at least now he knows there's some pretty harsh consequences, and I am able to stay calm myself. He also calms down much quicker afterwards.
Are you working with a therapist? I'd definitely recommend that.
Thanks for posting, what tools are you using to help your son? One thing that helped us a lot is know what will set him off and avoiding them. At this age he does not have the maturity to be able to handle things. Also, punishment often does not work.
Good luck
We have hitting/throwing issues with our 5-year old son. We have a rewards program set up where he earns points for good behavior. Hitting or throwing will get him sent to his room, he doesn't get points for that hour, and he has to do some sort of relaxation technique (deep breaths, hand squeezes, stretches) to get out. I feel like we've seen some lessening of bad behaviors, although he still acts out sometimes when the meds are wearing off or we won't let him do something he wants.