Hi All,
My son is 16 and has combination type ADHD. He takes small dose of Dyanavel each morning. It works well for him but wears off by 2pm. Giving him a larger dose is not the answer because he metabolizes very quickly, and feels shaky if I give him more. He does NOT like to take medication to begin with because there are a few side effects- slightly irritable and loss of appetite, but overall Dyanavel has worked well for him. What can I do about the rest of the day as far as focusing and homework? Our pediatrician is very against a fast-acting booster but I think she will agree if I insist. He is 16 and has work to do after school. I am actually thinking about a medication that is not an amphetamine- Strattera? Something like that because my son doesn't like taking ADHD meds to begin with. Anyone else in this situation? I would love some advice.