I have done my fair share of internet reading, blogs, forums, articles you name it. I even went to school and took courses for Child & Youth Work. My daughter is 6 years old. Obviously this pandemic has not been so easy for her, as she has ADHD and ODD. Her aggression has been getting out of hand. I understand a lot has happened the last few months. The world partially shut down, she cannot visit friends, she is having a hard time burning off the energy her body is producing, and to top it off we just had a baby two months ago. This limits our ability to do a lot of things.
What we have been doing is:
-Splash pad (A LOT), Run around in the field across the road, visits to Gigi & Papas, Buying every board game off the shelf, buying strategy games, finding indoor activities, dance parties.. Really you name it. I even bought a trampoline for the inside of the house.
Her aggression is still increasing, and I feel the more we do for her and with her the more it flares up. She started hitting, smashing things, asking if we "are sad" or if we "are crying" because this seems to make her happy if she hurts our feelings. She has never hit her sister, but she will scream around her constantly. I started her on medication a week and half ago, but it does not seem to be working. I am beginning to worry. Her fits can last hours. The longest one lasted 5 hours straight. She will act as if she has calmed down & the instant she is out of "time out" she will just go off again. Nothing I seem to do is working. I am exhausted, and my temper is slowly fading. My husband works till 3 each day.
Any advice would help. Please & Thank You.
From One Mama just trying her best to learn.