I'm feeling discouraged this evening. I have four kiddos, three of whom have been diagnosed with ADHD. My oldest has it and autism. My toddler so far doesn't exhibit any symptoms for either disorder.
I see other families around me with four children, and our lives are so different than theirs. I just want to sit down and cry. I see all that they do with their children, all that they are able to accomplish. All the joy the parents have in their kids.
I took my children to go see my grandma in her new retirement community. In the late afternoon, which is always hardest for my two boys, 8 years and 5 years. Even though I had my concerns about going, family encouraged me to just go and do it. They need to see my grandma and know her. My dad met us there. Everyone did good for the first ten minutes....then, my boys started to loose it. Laughing loud, running around the common space, racing past me and my dad as we tried to stop them. Rolling around the floor, smacking each other, little eye contact with me or dad, laughing hysterically more.... throwing things at each other, dodging our grasp.
In an old folks home! I used every ounce of patience to get their attention and calmly handle their behavior. I was doing okay emotionally, until my grandma herself started yelling at my children. Told them all how horribly behaved they were, and how they can't come back if they behave like this.
And yes, we do use medication. We're awaiting an appointment with a psychiatrist to adjust the doses.
I left there ready to cry. It's so awful. I'm a 100% in parent....I stay home with my children when they aren't in school. I care so much and I give so much. And they are monsters half the time. I cried a lot once we got home.
I watch other families, and their kids are an entirely different story. It's not fair what ADHD does to my children. I always wanted a large family....but I hadn't counted on ADHD being in the picture. It's depressing. I feel cheated out of my parenting experience sometimes. And then I hear what other parents say about ADHD. Totally misunderstood. I could just scream. They don't know what it's like. They don't realize how REAL this disorder is. It hurts to hear ignorant opinions from other moms. Or family members.
I'm sorry. Thank you all for listening to my heart to tonight.