I'm wondering if there is a support group somewhere for my son's seemingly unique situation. He is a single dad, (co-parenting with child's mother), of a 7-year-old 2nd grader with sometimes severe ADHD. His son can be violent.
My grandson has been seeing a therapist for around two years but it doesn't seem to make much difference. His divorced parents do not agree on treatments or therapies. He is on and off medication and on varied doses, because his parents don't agree. My son is at a loss and has no where to turn. He is developing stress related health issues of his own, I believe because of the situation. My husband and I try to support him, but can only do so much. This is fairly new to us and to my son, like someone else wrote, it's almost getting to the point that it's hard to around my grandson. (At times he's sweet and creative and smart, but recently not so much.)
Is there a support group out there for single fathers or maybe men with ADHD children?