I received many responses from my last post on my son who is 7, now attending residential care. Though it was by all means never a 1st choice, Infact it had been presented by the district 1 year prior to us being able to make this decision.
Our life style prior to resident care - constant stress and anxiety for all of us, doctors appointments, being called all the time from school for suspensions, pick up early (and mind you he was already in a behavioral modification class since kindergarten and he still could not be managed in class), hospitalization and sheriffs being called for a 7 year old..... imagine that. This had now spiraled out of my hands and now flooding into my home and affected every aspect of both of our lives.
I live in CA, my son now resides in TX at a 24 hour residential facility.
I see him monthly for off campus visits and I can’t tell you how pleased I am with the results. Though it will take a bit more time doing this while he was younger verses after 8 would have been detrimental to his progress he’s showing now.
He has self regulated his impulsivity (no longer throws stuff when mad, no longer destructive or trying to be physical while angry)
He’s been able to attend class, with other peers, and get educated for the first time without having his ADHD and destructiveness take over. Out of 35 days he had 29 days with NO minor or major behaviors! This is a huge achievement for my son who again was destructive daily.
He’s been temporarily to other facilities and what makes this program different is the amazing team, from the teacher, clinical, thetapist and staff. Even my son expresses how he knows the staff cares. It’s the most results we have ever seen within him.
It’s not for everyone, and we are not looking for perfect but safe! I will keep sharing results as time passes.