My daughter is constantly locked up in her room with her laptop. She gets really agitated if I ask her to stay outside. What can I do?
Constantly locked inside her room wit... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Constantly locked inside her room with laptop
You are the parent and in charge. Set limits and stick to them. Take the laptop away if she doesn’t follow the rules. Enforce the consequences. She’s not in charge. But you can talk to her about it calmly and ask her what she thinks is a reasonable time to have it and let her know you’ll consider her preferences. I’d suggest not screen time at least an hour before bed. And no more than 2 hours. Not sure how old she is but no matter how old, there should be limits.
Agree with KM. Set limits. For us, (13 yr old girl) it's 30 mins weekdays and 45 mins weekend. She can earn extra time for various positive behaviors. It's hard to give you good advice without knowing her age and a bit about her.
Is she a teenager? This is a real problem for that age. My 14 year old grandson does not get video games during the week. He is allowed to watch YouTube on his phone after his homework is done in the evenings.
I get agitated if I realized I left my phone at home when I go to the store. We have gotten tethered to these electronics. So you can imagine how an ADHD child feels when you try to take it away from them. You need to work out plans so they can have access to it but not unlimited.
Monitor her and tell her she has to be out of her room and by you. That way you see what she’s doing. There are also programs/apps to monitor. Have her show you.
Hello, how old is your daughter? You will need to be firm and take the laptop away. Locking herself into a room with the laptop sounds a tad risky to me. You do not want her to be accessing inappropriate websites or sending photographs online. There are so many scary situations that can occur when a kid is online so much with no adult supervision. You will have to be the parent and take charge of this. This is your home and you set rules, not the child.
There are a number of Apps/software programs that allow you to set parent controls, just like a cell phone. I know go guardian is one of them that the schools us. It allows them to only view certain things and it also allows you to monitor what they are doing.
I am not sure if the laptop is Mac or Android.
Here is an article about Android
Children this young do not realize the impact of their ( or others) decisions and need to be monitored. You can still do that without being right there with her.
I would also not allow her to be in her room with the computer. So Start with one, either the controls or have her sit in a room where you can monitor what she is doing.
Good luck!