Anyones kid get worse on Hardy Naturals? I'm thinking the massive doses of B12 and B6 made his anxiety and aggression worse.
Hardy Naturals Made Him Worse? - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Hardy Naturals Made Him Worse?
To my knowledge, micronutrients can be truly helpful if your child has a vitamin deficiency. But if not, they may not be as useful. I know some people here have had success with them, others have not.
I tried a B Complex a few months ago and noticed a major increase in anxiety and SPD as well. I will return them. Was hoping for that easy fix I guess.
I understand. My mom was worried she was developing early Alzheimer’s- turns out she had a B vitamin deficiency. The vitamins have helped her immensely. So it makes sense to at least give them a shot for mental health concerns. 😊
My mom was about to be dx as bipolar but same thing, she was massively deficient in B and D. She gets the injections. I can't get the ped to check his levels. They claim you can't check vitamin levels in blood that it's more in depth than that. He has had food allergies since he was 3 days old so we figure hes deficient somewhere. Maybe not. He is also VERY sensitive to meds of any kind. He does not have MTHFR tho.
Have you tried a functional medicine doctor or naturopath doctor. They would focus on the issues he is having and approach them more homeopathic. We do medication and are now seeing a naturopath doctor to address what I believe are his gut issues and other things. We work with the pediatrician, psych and I'm going to add this doctor in as well if the appointment goes well.