Hello everyone,
This is my first post, so I have many questions to ask, but I tried to narrow it down to what is my most current concern.
My 9 years old DS was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago and is now taking Adderall XR 15mg. We started his medicine last year, around May, with a smaller dose and settled on 15mg after some adjustment. We took a break for the summer and since September 2023 he has been taking it again regularly.
I asked his pediatrician for possible side effect and she noted the general side effects, such as being unable to sleep, and a lose of appetite. Although he already had those things prior to starting medication, not extremely, but slightly. I couldn't tell if it got worse because of the medication. Since starting medication, he has also showed more mood swings (getting agitated easily, and easily upset at his younger sister or older brother). I asked the doctor if that could be the side effect, and she said it could have been.
The reason we took a break during the summer from Adderall XR was due to our traveling abroad and his medication not being allowed in some countries. You can bring if you get advanced permission, but the fact that it is banned in some countries worries me even more about if it is really safe for my DS.
I tried to seek help from a Psychiatrists (I was only able to see Psychiatrist RN in my area), because the Pediatrician could not provide me with clear answers. However, that time with the Psychiatric RN seemed wasted from my perspective. Maybe I was not asking the right questions? or maybe I do not even know what questions are the right questions to ask.
So, questions I have been trying to answer are: When the medicine is showing side effect, then would it be severe enough for me to notice right away or do smaller changes count as well? The Pediatrician also mentioned 15mg is a very small dose, is this true? I really do not want to give him too much medicine, but I already give him Adderall, and Melatonin at night to help him sleep. My DS mentioned that Melatonin seemed to help him at night. So I do not know if increasing medicine would help smooth out his mood, or perhaps changing to a different medicine would help or would that just be a waste of time. There did appear to be a lot of different options. Does anyone have same concern or success on switching medicine and why? Any advice is welcome, and thank you for reading such a long message.