Hi, I have a 6yr old son who is seeing a play therapist with no official diagnosis. We suspect ADHD/ADD and possible sensory disorder. He has not been officially diagnosed however the Vanderbilt chart shows ADD/ADHD requested by his physician. There is a child development specialist in our area in which we are awaiting an appt but could be 6 mo until the intital visit. In the mean time my son is seeing a play therapist which honestly is not doing anything other than providing him playtime with a grandmotherly figure. She has been helpful in offering the CHADD website and referral to the specialist. What are the benefits of him continuing seeing this therapist if #1 he has no official diagnosis yet, #2 they aren’t working on anything to help the chaos in his life and ours, and #3 it is costing us a lot of money.
It has given us a starting place and that has been reassuring to know we aren’t just crazy thinking something is wrong with our son, but at the same time I feel like we are just floundering around waiting for help.
My son is bright and charming and when he’s good he is utterly precious, but when he gets triggered it all goes down hill and fast. When life is going his way he’s fine, any other time it’s just frustrating for him and everyone else. My two other children have had it with their younger sibling and his relentless behavior.
Advice is welcome.