Son is a compulsive and believable liar!
I worry every time he goes to school or any appointment
Son is a compulsive and believable liar!
I worry every time he goes to school or any appointment
dianam123- All children with ADHD struggle with not wanting to do things and the impacts them wanting to tell the truth. Our son is 12 years old and I hope this changes for him as he matures...
I am pretty sure this is a struggle and worry for many of us.
I role model the best way to deal with things and I ask questions about the situation. When they become an adult this will really hurt them. I just hope you can see "why" they do it.
Best if luck..
You are not alone. My 9 year old is the same. He lies when there is no reason to lie. He just makes stuff up. I ask him if what he has said is true and if he says it isn't I explain why we don't lie. He's had some innocent ones, to some that caused real trouble at school. I'm hoping he will out grow it.
It's so hard,I explain over and over and nothing changes ,
Last year his teacher called me ,she was worried for the family since my son told her we were homeless and living in a tent!!!!!!REALLY!!
I love him so much but he is so sneaky...
I don't feel like my son tells these lies to cause harm. I think they are just these random thoughts in his head that he tells everyone. He knows they aren't true but I don't think he feels like it's wrong to tell them. Like, I will ask him how school went. He will say that recess was great, he got the entire class to do laps with him on the track. Everyone saw him doing it and they all joined in. This is definitely not something that happened. Maybe one or two kids but not all 25. I don't know why he makes it up. Maybe it's just to tell a fun story??