Hello All~ I joined this group to find support as a parent of a son with ADHD and ODD.
However, as I’ve read some of the entries, I thought should offer another perspective.
As a child I had ALL of the behaviors we now associate with the diagnosis ADHD and ODD. I am female, so they couldn’t use the ‘boys will be boys’ excuse. I was constantly in trouble at school, mostly for talking and getting out of my seat. I could not focus to do school work. I argued with teachers and others. I also wet the bed until I was about 9.
My family life was very unstable. Of course that makes it worse because there is no routine and I didn’t have stability at home.
Mental illness and addiction both run strong in my family tree. There were no doctors or medicines for me. I was just labeled a problem child. Most of my teachers assumed I was below average intelligence.
When I was 14, I began to self medicate. I’ve tried most of the drugs out there off and on but really mainly used marijuana. I also sought approval and acceptance through boyfriends. Ended up pregnant when I was 15. Dropped out of school.
Ran away from home.
At that point my aunt and uncle stepped in. They took me in and let me live with them. They enrolled me back into high school and gave me a stable place to live. I followed most of their rules because I knew I was out of chances after them.
I continued to smoke marijuana everyday of high school, it calmed me. I managed to graduate with my class on time. I believe I had a 2.8 gpa. Respectable enough, but not spectacular.
I went on to college and earned a bachelors degree in, you guessed it, psychology. The irony.
And yes, I smoked pot in college as well.
Got married, had kids, quit the marijuana when I got pregnant.
Ten years later, after being a stay at home Mom, I went back to college and became a registered nurse. I was valedictorian of my nursing class.
So.... why am I sharing all this?
I want to give all you parents out there hope.
I had very little help with my issues growing up and I still made it. I proved that I was never dumb. Our kids with ADHD or ODD, or whatever it is can also make it. They can become whatever they choose.
The one thing I would say to people who ask how to help their child is this; love them.
The world beats them up already. They have plenty of negativity from everyone else.
They need our love and support more than anything else. They will be punished and ridiculed at school by teachers and in many cases by their peers. Being able to count on love from their Mom and Dad is so important. Even when we correct behavior or have to discipline, it should always be with love.