Being an introverted person sometimes is not easy enough, specially when you have a full time loud job and three boys; but when one of your children is diagnosed with ADHD is harder then ever but you never give up. My dear child is 11 years old and he was diagnosed with ADHD a little over a year ago. Sometimes confused at school with defiance, arrogance and bad behavior teachers can not get passed his actions to look deeper at the person he truly is within. My dear Sean has a gentle soul, a heart full of compassion and love, he is a special child but is hard for others to see past his behavior. He can not control his impulses at times but his gentle heart comes down after a few minutes and his anger turns into a loving smile and a warm hug and his chubby rosy cheeks blush then my heart melts. I gave him medication for a little bit and then decided to stop as I did not want to push all those chemicals in his developing body. He did well for a while then again we began to struggle in school and temper began to show more often for a little bit there, so we recently seemed to see the doctor about it again and he began some medication, but my heart feels sad that he has to take this as he is taking an anti depressant I believe is called Zoloft or something like that. The doctor explained that it was to also control some of his OCD symptoms, he tends to turn the door knob 14 times after he closes a door. The thought of him taking a medicine like this is difficult as he is only 11. Sean has been doing great for the last few days but I can not tell if it is because of medication or from changes we had made around the house and our schedule to help. I have moved some things around so that I can spend more time in the mornings with him as he expressed he craved more time with me. I have been buying healthier food and we have been trying to distract his attention when we feel he may be getting a bit mad. Also a stricter bed and wake up schedule has been put in place. Over all I am telling my story to see if there is any other mother out there that is going through this, as an introverted person in general I tend to want to re charge away from everyone for a while because my full time cubicle noisy work place is very exhausting, coming home to a house full of noise, which don't get me wrong I love because I adore listening to my children laugh but coming to this can be sometimes exhausting as well. Then also having a child with ADHD literally leaves you with no room to re charge and sometimes getting an alone time is close to impossible. Much love to everyone who has a child with this condition, we as parents need a lot of patience but we love our children so much that we can not give up on them, they are the future, they are brilliant and loving and unique and with much love and persistance we can get a control of this condition. I am grateful for my beautiful boy every day since I held him for the first time, I am grateful for the good days and I am grateful for the not so good ones, because I have him, his smile and his love and together we can get through anything.
In the photo: Sean and I in our Disney World Vacation. Fall break 2017.