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Please , I need advise

ConcernedMomma511 profile image

Hello ladies, I have a six year old boy whom has been diagnosed with ADHD,my boy is very active, at times is like he is driven by a motor, he doesn't really have issues learning he is good in math, spelling, he remembers what he learned in school for the day , he loves to read, and to be read to, he'll be very still then, also don't have a problem when is time to do homework, he actually enjoys it , besides when he is reading or playing video games, he just can't sit still, will not listen to the teacher when asked to sit quietly,or cannot sit on carpet still,he is constantly jumping off the chair loves to jump on the bed, I do try to keep him busy, he goes to basketball, soccer, recently enrolled him in karate. The doctor sugested that I ask for him to be put in an inclusion classs, I'm not sure I want to do this, he doesn't have a problem academically,his problem is behavioral, any advise? Should I asked for him to be put in an inclusion class ? Won't this keep him back? He is right at everyone else in the class level, it's just he can't sit still and loves to clown around a lot , please I need advise, I am new in this and need lots of advise, I am desperate, thank you

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ConcernedMomma511 profile image
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20 Replies
KellyAlsa profile image

I think most ADHD kids like to clown. I know my son does, he also doesnt have a filter and can be pretty blunt at times. But he is pretty energetic. I like to give him cleaning tasks then time him to see if he can do it faster than me. For example. I will spray the fronts of the cabinet doors and i will have him start at one end and i will start at the other and see who gets done faster. He likes that. If it is at school I tell him for every great day he has he gets either $1 (he loves money) or he can pick out a treat at the store (within reason). He usually takes the money. Lol. But he can get out of control. I dont like to be hyper focused on his negative actions. I will tell him “this was wrong, you know this, but how about we talk about what we can do to make it right again” make him decide. It makes them feel better about it and then they can use that to figure out a solution on their own next time.

KellyAlsa profile image

Also, my son is really smart. He reads well and is very good in math and science. But he is on an IEP and works with the special education teachers. It is to cope with his behaviors not his mental capacity.

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to KellyAlsa

Thank you so much for your advise, I think I'll try the cleaning task one, he loves to help, he likes to do his own things, I must say he is very independent, also, how do you like him in that IEP CLASS? does he like it? Do you think that's keeping him behind? Or not really?

KellyAlsa profile image
KellyAlsa in reply to ConcernedMomma511

He is actually ahead of his class becAuse working independently he can focus and get more done.

KellyAlsa profile image
KellyAlsa in reply to ConcernedMomma511

Giving him the “okay” to climb the counters and clean cabinets is always fun for him. Lol.

capriwms1 profile image

Do you have an IEP? If not, I would start the process. I would not allow my son to go into an inclusion class. Instead I’d request a classroom with two teachers (one special ed) and an aid. My son doesn’t have an academic problem either, just behavior with his ADHD ODD. The additional teacher and aid will help with his success.

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to capriwms1

Omg, this makes me feel much better, thank you! I thought the EIP CLASS was same as the inclusion class, thanks for clarifying that for me, I will ask if they have one , your son seems a lot like mine , good luck to you as well

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to ConcernedMomma511

I already love this group, you can learn so much more about this whole thing 🙏

KellyAlsa profile image
KellyAlsa in reply to ConcernedMomma511

Certain things are written into the iep, like he is allowed to move to another desk or sit on the floor to work. Stuff like that. It isnt an inclusion, it is more of less just giving him an opportunity to work with a smaller class size which cuts down on the amount of distractions.

SabFL profile image

I am going through exactly the same as you. Good to find someone that would understand. I will let you know if I find out any helpful resources in my end too.

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to SabFL

thank you so much, I am learning so much in this group , really am greatful🙏

Llindsayjones profile image

An inclusion class means there are students with IEP’s. There are two teachers in the room. If your son is diagnosed with ADHD and has no academic needs he most likely will not qualify for that class. Most students with ADHD are afforded a 504 which is a document that will give him modifications (movement breaks, preferential seating etc.). You would need to have a meeting with the school and provide a note from your doctor. Hope this helps!

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to Llindsayjones

Yes! Very much so! This is info that I didn't know. I will ask the school, do you know if all schools do this? I honestly haven't told the school yet😬😬 I haven't told my son about it either, I'm trying to figure out a way to say it, without making him feel bad, how did you tell your son? I am seeking recommendations on how to tell him if necessary and to tell the school,? also, should I get him therapies with psychologist? I mean, they really didn't recommend anything except let the school know, ask for Inclusikn class, and yo cut all sugar , that is soo hard 😏

Pajamasam36 profile image

There is a bouncer ball kiddos can sit on in class to wiggle and bounce while they are sitting at their desk. They have rubber bands that they put around the legs of their chair so their feet can be active while sitting! Have you tried either of these accommodations?

ldfitzpatrick profile image

My daughter was seated close to the front of the classroom when she was younger to help her focus. She also was given fidgets to manipulate. The bouncy ball became a distraction for my daughter when she was younger. Find CHADD ( They are an endless wealth of information on accommodations at school and also ideas for doing things at home. Ask if he can have a 30 second jumping jack break every hour or so if he gets too rambunctious in class. My daughter used to stand and hold my hands and jump up and down when she was getting too crazy. Best of luck! Btw, she's 15 now and doing well in school, socially well adjusted and active in lots of sports. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Thank you so much, I will ask, I wonder if all schools do this? The 504 plan and the iep class

Debriley profile image

My son is 10 and has ADHD. He was first diagnosed by his pediatrician at age 5. I thought he was still too young to diagnose and thought he would grow out of it. He is now in 4th grade. Every single school year he was shouting out, walking around, didn't want to play with other kids but he was never mean. He has always gotten straight A's, now he's high honor roll, he's in GATE, he's so far beyond his reading level that they don't test him anymore at the classroom level and he was a top 4 scorer in our diatrict on his standardized testing last year. He's brilliant but he was ALWAYS in trouble at school for his disruptive behavior. Last year we took him to see a counselor because he said he hated his life. After a couple of sessions he decided to test him for ADHD. He tested "overwhelmingly positive". His counselor referred us to a psychiatrist to talk about meds. I was so against it but we tried it (We had tried everything else). It's been life-changing for all of us! He doesn't seem medicated at all (which I was worried about) and he feels better. This is the first year he has had friends at school. He annoyed the kids so much pre medication that nobody wanted to play with him. It was heartbreaking. His school offered him a 504 but I didn't take it. Now I wish we had so we are moving forward with it.

I would recommend getting help past his pediatrician and the school. You have to advocate for him because the school will often times take the easy route for them. Ask questions. You know your son better than anyone. We have Kaiser and they have been amazing. Im also very in touch and involved at his school. Not in his classroom but with other things. That has helped me build relationships with teachers and admin. I know there is always someone looking out for him and can spot a meltdown coming on that can usually diffuse the situatiin before it happens. Unfortunately he still struggles with relating to other kids but he finally has friends.

I don't know if this helps or not but you're not alone and neither is your little guy ❤

ConcernedMomma511 profile image
ConcernedMomma511 in reply to Debriley

Yes, your advise really does help me a lot, thank you she much, I'm so glad your son is doing much better and making friends now

Hi, thank you so much for your advise, the school is not suggesting the inclusion class, his pediatrician which is the same that evaluated and tested him, was the one that recommended this inclusion,school doesn't know that he has ADHD yet

stephanierider profile image

Hi, my son is 10 and was diagnosed ADHD in 2nd grade. What I've learned is that some of the behavioral issues will get better as he matures. Karate will be great for him. We didn't try team sports until 3rd grade and by then it was too late. It was very uncomfortable to watch him with kids that's been in sports since they were 4!! Teaching them self control at a young age is key to their success as they get older. And we are still working on it! Also my advice for any child that is on medication, is to meet with the school counselor. There are certain guidelines the school must follow. Don't wait on the teacher because unfortunately they can't advise on certain issues and others don't want to be bothered by the extra work. Get involved and keep open communication with the school. Good luck!


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