Hi guys!
I love this website because it helps me talk to parents regarding our children with ADHD. My child was diagnosed 2 years ago with ADHD and ODD. I've heard that ODD is caused because at least us could not control his behavior. Is that true? I've tried to find information online but I cannot get a solid answer. Also, I've been trying to explain my parents what my child has, they are in denial and they can't understand my situation, I'm about to avoid them because I see my child gets out of control when they are here. Do any of you guys have the same problem? They let him get away with anything really. Sometimes I ask myself if I'm blind and I'm seeing what's happening. I need help, what can you guys tell me. The other thing is, we have been trying to do methods at least for conduct and it all have worked , but lately my son has been over reacting and shouting that I'm a mean mom because I just don't let him be happy and do what he pleases. Today I had a long conversation with him, I asked him why he keeps saying that. He simply says that he doesn't like to do chores and that he likes to do what he wants and that for that reason he says we are mean to him. Am I the only one going through this?