Yesterday we had my grandson's IEP meeting. It went great. The teachers and therapist's all had great things to say about him. They , requesting andall say that he compliments them everyday of their appearance. They didn't focus on the negative things that have happened, They were focus the things that they could do get focused, sensory breaks, and where they could support him more academically.
I spent so much time over the past few preparing for this meeting that I was over prepared. I downloaded a bundle of documents telling what to ask and what to look for, who to contact at the school and writing a letter requesting 504 plan when he already has an IEP n place. I even went as far as asking for them to administer an inteligance scale test, which I wanted to use to get into a private school. After all that, I think were good where we're at, a free education at a public school that can offer the same education as a private school.
through it all, I am curious about one thing, When do they pull all of the basically one on one assistance. I think someone is sitting with him nearly all day or he goes to therapy where he gets still more one to one time with an adult. He craves that attention, but what would his day look like when they slowly pull that support and will he be able to maintain, cause he's not doing a very good job here at home. I sit with him all through homework time.
Back to the positive, we were told that we no longer has to spend hours on homework or do it to completion, all night. Set a specific time limit for homework, weather it be 30 min or an hour, and break it up into pieces, and done or not be done.
Next battle!