At my daughter's school we are writing her IEP between now and Christmas. We have already figured out that she will be in a small group math class, but I'm thinking about other things. For example, she has "math lab" after school twice a week. I don't really think they monitor them and since she's going into small group math and also has a math tutor twice a week, I'm wondering if we can convert that to a study hour with a monitor regarding what is going on in ELA, Social Studies and Science to really focus on what is going on in her other classes. Maybe help her really focus on her homework and spelling words, all that stuff.
I'm also thinking about a system where once a week on Fridays, they tell me what is going to happen the next week, curriculum, this is what we are learning, these are the quizzes we are going to have so that I can help her the weekend before.
Just wondering about tips from others. What would you suggest be in an IEP, what worked for you, what do you wish you had put in the IEP, what do you wish you hadn't put in the IEP?
Thank you SO much!