Hi guys
Just giving an update on my procedure.
A new life for me begins post surgery...
Laparoscopic (3 incisions) Total Hysterectomy with **Bilateral Salipingo and *Oophorectomy removing uterus/cervix delivered via Vagina.
(*Ovaries and **Falopian tubes removed ^)
Chronic back pain in coxics in particular
Stabbing pains in womb
Twinges, cramps, low down dragging pain, chronic fatigue, stiff sore finger joints, arms and shoulders.
Almost urinary in content, increased urinating, painful bowel movements during menses, heavy bleeding with clots, nausea, depression, anxiety.
Lost life occasions, cancelled plans, holidays, booking life around 3 days in bed bleeding monthly and chronic intermittent back pain.
The Consultant confirms lab test will show Adenomyosis after the womb was extracted, the classic signs, boggy, lesions, scar tissue, enlarged.
A very groggy me on asking the state of affairs after I awoke from anaesthetic "Schocking"...
He told me they were glad my womb in its condition was no longer inside me on seeing its condition.
Unfortunately my hysterectomy proved to also have me with considerable Endometriosis which wasn't present via mri scan on 12/03/17...this often is only saw on laparoscopy/hysterectomy.
My bowel was pinned down to my pelvic wall, 1 ovary engulfed.
Surgeon took as much away as he could he said not "every single" cell will go as there is s risk of perforation of bowel or any organ covered in this tissue.
I'm very pleased to have it over me. The pain last night was horrendous. I'm more in control of it today. I even took extra stash of painkillers last night at 330am after no sleep I topped up because it felt like I really should have been on morphine.
Catheter and drains out have me much more comfortable today. I bled with a drain not being a 100% fit so bled via vaginally though this was mainly fluid and old blood etc not fresh blood just post op flow.
I'm seemingly good to go after bloods are done this afternoon.
Combined HRT for 1 year will keep progesterone coming in to nip the growth of endometriosis.
I guess my pain will indicate if I am free of Endo in years to come.
I just KNEW he would find it present. I was last treated for it in 2012 it was mild and found during removal of ovarian cyst by laparoscopy.
I will check in here soon, if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
Battling pain as a community and creating awareness on silent, often invisible conditions that are ruining women's lives world wide.