Sorry everyone... I am having such a wonderful time looking at all the amazing photographs you are taking and reading your posts; I just couldn't resist a Floss rhyme x
There's Yellow .
This photo walk has really clicked
With me and others too.
And put a real spring in our steps
Upon the walks we do.
I know, that when I'm running.
I take in the things I see.
But this April yellow challenge,
Has meant quite a change for me.
Whilst walking at the slower pace,
I'm not just looking round..
I'm looking for the colours;
Up above and on the ground.
There are so many shades of yellow
Of every tint and hue.
The flowers, the shrubs, the berries,
The leaves and foliage too.
There's beauty in all those colours
From deepest rich to pale.
The glossy round, fat berries
The primrose petals, frail.
Some yellow, that is stopping
All the traffic until May
With row on row of barriers,
Stopping travellers on their way.
Each photo that I'm taking is
Just adding to the fun
The photos that I'm seeing here
I'll be sorry when it's done
So thanks for this eye-opener,
It's really made each day.
I hardly dare to thinks what's next..
The Darling Buds of May ??
Its such fun ! x