Hi all. My 5 minute "speed" walks are going well! I spoke to my son about what I'm doing - he's in the medical field and also qualified as a personal trainer some years ago, as he's really into health and fitness, being an ultra-marathon runner! (I know - how did I get so unfit? I regularly ask myself this!) Anyway, I quizzed him about what my heart rate should be during/after my "speed" walk and he gave me a formula. He said I should take 220 and subtract my age from it. I'm nearly 68, so that gives me 152. He then said that fat-burning and cardio benefits will start at 60/70% of that number - that comes to 91/106. So my heart rate should at least be above 91, preferably above 106. My heart rate at the end of my 5 mins is 110, so hurray, I'm within the limits! But he also warned me not to let my heart rate get above 120 - to rather extend the time I spend walking. I intend to build up to 10 mins anyway, so this fits in fine with my goal! It's good to have confirmation that what I'm doing is the right thing and also to know how far I can safely push myself! Kids do have their uses sometimes!! Lol!!
5 Minute challenge going well!: Hi all. My... - Active 10
5 Minute challenge going well!
It's great your son is advising you, my daughter is a nurse and she advises s me too regarding my heart rate. She advised me to get a fitness tracker and it really helps me keep my body moving more. I programmed it to buzz when I don't move for 20 mins, not that I go and do a pile of exercises, it must makes me get up and walk for a couple of minutes! I'm 68 and have got health issues so let's hope my New Years resolution of getting fitter, losing weight and being healthier pays off. Good luck Kay💞💞💞
Thanks Lizzypick - if we put our minds to it and stay strong I'm sure we'll both end 2018 fitter, slimmer and healthier! x
Hello again Lizzypick! I'm absolutely rubbish at ANYTHING technical, so fitbits and suchlike fill me with fear! But I liked your daughter's suggestion so much that I've managed (eventually!) to set the alarm on my phone to go off every half hour! Please thank her for me!

Thank you Kay for making me smile ❤❤
That is great news Kay and what a wonderful resource to have to delve into. Sounds like he has given you the go ahead to look after yourself with slow increases. Well done on getting started.
Thanks Rfc , I'm on a serious mission this year! Last year, when I joined our group, I didn't really believe I would succeed at getting fitter and therefore healthier, but I've been proved well and truly WRONG!! So I'm really motivated this year!!
Well done Hidden - never too late to get yourself more active! And thanks for the useful reminder on heart rate targets for cardiovascular benefits. Good luck with getting yourself fitter and healthier in 2018!
Thanks jao77 - if I can keep the upward trend from 2017 I'll end up one super fit granny! To top it off when I stood on the scales this am I'd lost another 1.5kg! Now I'm wondering - would it have been so without my 5min regime? Or is 3x 5min a day walking at a fat burning rate already having an effect? Hmmm ........
What a good son Kay. It sounds like you're on the right track, you have to be really, really proud of yourself.
Thanks runswithdogs - I am! I firmly believe that finding this forum has given me a new lease of life! Thanks to you and others like you who picked me up when I fell and encouraged me to keep going! I'm feeling very blessed today - thank you!
Hi Kay, that is very interesting I will have to do that little sum, why did he advise you not to let your heart rate go above 120?
Hi Mazzy00. It's because to go above that number would put too much strain on my heart! I'm not that young anymore and so unfit - although I'm gradually getting fitter - I don't think I could manage to go as fast as I would need to, to get any higher than 120 anyway! For me, the tip they gave on the telly about being able to talk but not sing while walking is the best! Although on my walks round the green I must admit that my neighbours think I've gone bonkers cos I'm always talking to myself! Lol