Hi, I'm a 57 year old male, PSA 4.77, Gleason score 6. January biopsy showed 5 cores on left side at less than 10% and 1 core at 50%. Right side was all benign. I have a PSA test coming up middle of May. What questions should I be asking and is there anything else I should be doing?
Upcoming PSA Test: Hi, I'm a 57 year... - Active Surveillan...
Upcoming PSA Test

Welcome. You now have a new band of brothers. Has your biopsy been reviewed by a second pathologist(second opinion). You might ask your doctor if quarterly or every four months psa might be helpful (more dots on your graph)
Thanks Darryl. No it has not been reviewed by a second pathologist but I will ask. We are on a quarterly PSA testing schedule. Should I ask for an MRI, would it be beneficial?
Are you saying that you did not have an mri prior to your biopsy?
Re second opinion on biopsy malecare.org/second-opinion...

Re mri. healthunlocked.com/active-s...
Hi Odnad
PSA test results are highly variable so you must not try to interpret the difference between any two consecutive test results.
I think you mentioned that you are on a quarterly testing schedule and that your last test result was 4.77.
If you send me your last 4 test results together with your email address, I will graph them to help you understand whether or not your next results is a signal of meaningful change or if it only represents chance variation about a stable mean.
My email address is
Good luck on your journey and thanks for sharing your concerns with us.
Looking forward to it
you need second opinion on biopsy and poosible 3rd,, johns hopkins is gold standard ,,,and dont be surprised if they read different .. main thing is if they agree on gleason score, and % cancer....... good luck
Thank you