Does it make you feel better writing ... - Mental Health Sup...

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Does it make you feel better writing things down?

Michelle1974 profile image
11 Replies

When I feel down I tend to just pick up some paper and a pen and write,sometimes it comes out as a poem or a statement,just a plain old rant and rave or maybe even a hand written letter,once I have done this I do look back over it and sometimes, not every time though,it feels good or at least better to have got it out of my system in a structured way

Here goes

Yesterday I had to try and fight the most awful pain

I hope above all other hope that today will not be the same

It drags me down so so low,which then makes me sad

The tears that fall make me feel ashamed of myself which then in turn. makes me feel really bad.

I hope someone out there can understand my way of thinking.

A poem a day keeps the depression at bay,well in some kind of way.

Michelle 74


I must share this photograph of my granddaughter Phoebe ,she is so perfect and beautiful.

She had a new sister arrive on New Year's Day called Paige who is very different but equally as special to me.

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Michelle1974 profile image
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11 Replies
Photogeek profile image

Hi Michelle sorry your feeling low. I write in a Journal every day. It helps me too, I

Think anything that. Helps is great. Your little granddaughter is a lovely


Hope you feel better soon.

Hannah x

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Photogeek

Thanks for your reply.

I will look online to find a suitable journal and I will ( promising myself) write in it everyday. I am now thinking how wonderful it would be to read through it at times and see if I can find positivity or if I see I had a bad day ,it would mean I was on a better day to be able to see what a bad one was like and why?

I will let you know how it is going.

Take care



Jolyn profile image

Bless your heart, yes, writing things down is a way of letting it all out. Sorry you're not feeling well right now. Your little granddaughter is so cute xx

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Jolyn

Thanks for your reply,I am going to start a journal every day, my anti depressants are at 60 mg a day and instead of my doctor just giving me that one he prescribes 3 20 mg ones as he said it works out at a better price so that is what that do.

The problem is they give me real bad heartburn ( got taken to hospital not so long back) you would swear that I had a heart attack or angina luckily it was neither. Due to these terrible side effects I can't possibly take them every day.

I have tried yoghurt,glass of milk.poridge etc to take them with and however I take them I know I will suffer.

I think the irregularities of my anti depressant taking may be making me feel worse. Any ideas?

Thanks michelle 74

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to Michelle1974

Maybe your anti depressant doesn't suit you. Perhaps you can ask you GP if you can try something else. They usually take a few weeks to get into your system but if they make you feel worse, then you'll need to change them. You HAVE to take them regularly though. :-D x

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Jolyn

Hi jolyn

I have put up with it for eight years,from what you are saying I think I deserve a change in medication.

I take many drugs three times a day and all I do is move the Prozac to the next pot of tablets,then on to the third then separated out completely,I would say that I probably miss 3 or 4 doses a week

due to fear of the awful side effects.

Must start to get it sorted this week.


tazmania profile image

Keep writing, it's a method I have used for years. Hoping you had a pain free day today xxx

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to tazmania

I really perk up when I hear that people have the same thoughts that I have and even do things like myself.

Pain quite bad today,I have lots of regular pain killers but I take Diazepam and extra Morphine as my last resort at home then it's hospital for the syringe driver.

The journal has began!!! So I will see how much I can write it out of my system

Thanks for reply

Michelle 74


teajay profile image

Hi Michelle,

I like your poem. You have a direct way of expressing your feelings. Just for the fun of it I'd try and write one that doesn't rhyme. I love that the poem expresses the hope for change. The photo of your granddaughter is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Maisie1 profile image

I always write stuff down when I go to see my GP, otherwise I forget. I have a grand daughter called Phoebe. Take care

Michelle1974 profile image

My Granddaughter has just turned one and she has a sister Paige who is two weeks old.

I have twins and that is trying sometimes even though they are now twelve.

Sadly it's been heartbreaking over the last year as we have been excluded from their lives as much as they possibly could, I thought it would perhaps help me with my depression but I can honestly say it's caused rows between all my five sons,I have six including the babies dad ,it's caused rows between my husband ( the boys dad ) and generally hard feelings.

My son and the girls mother came from opposite backgrounds. She was always in trouble going from one care home to the next and my son grew up in a safe close family network.

She shows signs of jealousy and she is a control freak. Whatever she says goes and we were never allowed to have Phoebe but Saturday just gone I think she realised she wanted an hour with the baby without a toddler around.

I asked to feed and change Phoebe when she was six weeks old and she told me I am the mother and I am more than capable of doing it. I will just wait until something goes

Wrong then I know I will see them. It has made my depression worse as when she was pregnant with the first they used to say you can do.this that and the other with us.

Sorry for that rave but it is so sad,never got a Nanna birthday or Christmas card.

Thank for the time taken reading this

Many best wishes

Michelle x

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