Hi have of you had the facial nerve graft to repair the facial palsy caused by the acoustic neuroma surgery? If so, what was your recovery time and did it work?
Many thanks
Hi have of you had the facial nerve graft to repair the facial palsy caused by the acoustic neuroma surgery? If so, what was your recovery time and did it work?
Many thanks
My wife has had a facial nerve transfer carried out by Dr. Evriviades at the priory hospital Birmingham to help with the facial palsy caused by her AN. Recovery time from the operation is a few weeks, the nerves slowly improve over time. It is an individual thing anything from 6 months to a year, depends how bad the nerve had stretched due to the AN she is doing well now 18 months later, she is also having Botox in the opposite side to even out. Hope this helps, good luck.
I had cross facial nerve graft a few years ago at Addenbrookes hospital. This was followed up by a free flap Gracilis transfer to try and help with my facial palsy. The combination of the both was supposed to help with my facial paralysis but it didn’t work. Apparently the nerve is ok but it didn’t grow into the new muscle. Another free flap transfer was also unsuccessful. Eventually had a Labbe procedure at QVH in East Grinstead which is ok. As for your original question I had an infection in my calf scar from the nerve graft which took about 6weeks to get over and have a lovely scar as a result.