...I'm a very shy guy normally and I have trouble opening up. I give off a hard exterior however as my story says, it is just a front.
I've suffered with depression since I was 16. Even before then I was always a sensitive child, lacking in confidence, who always saw the glass as half empty and never half full. I'm now 22 and I feel like I'm at my lowest point. I am constantly down and I feel like i'm going nowhere...personally or professionally.
I've never had a wide circle of friends, but those I have are very special to me. But I'm always uneasy on nights out, I find it difficult to relax and enjoy myself. As a consequence I don't go out with friends as often as I should. OR if I do, I have to try and make sure they do things I want to do. I'm always afraid to go outside of my comfort zone.
I'm openly gay and I am very comfortable with my sexuality. However I've found that my relationships fail very quickly. The guys I usually go for are wrong for me but I feel as though my personality fails me.
Professionally, I'm stuck in a rubbish job. Earning reasonable money but not getting any particular thrill from it. Its not particularly challenging either. But with the tough economic climate I worry that leaving my job would be risky. I have enrolled to do a Masters but even then I feel like my problems will remain with me. It acts as a temporary distraction.
To summarize, I basically feel like a failure. Personally and professionally. I feel I lack a purpose in life. No matter what I do, nothing ever seems to work out for the better. It feels as though I have a dark cloud hanging over me, and no matter what I do or go, this cloud seems to hover over me.
I came on this site because I wanted to open up but also read about the stories of others and how they've dealt with depression and anxiety. I'm not expecting a miracle cure but maybe if people read my story they will provide me with some words of advice. I feel that hearing the words of those who have experienced the same problems that I have would prove very useful.